Ultimate Human #1
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Ultimate Human #1

Writer: Warren Ellis Artist: Cary Nord, Dave Stewart Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 2, 2008 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
8.1Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Jan 15, 2008

    At a time when I've become a little disillusioned with many of Marvel's superhero books (and the Ultimate line specifically), this is a welcome slice of quality storytelling, and one which makes me even more excited to see what Ellis does when he takes over Marvel's Astonishing X-Men later in the year. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Bryant Frattalone Jan 8, 2008

    Top notch writing and art make this mini not just another passerby but what looks to be a shiny gem in the Ultimate Universe. Pick it up, its not just a mindless slug-fest. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Kevin Fuller Jan 2, 2008

    The first issue doesn't break any new ground, but when you execute the old ground so well, you really don't have to. Cary Nord does a fantastic job on the art. He has a very versatile style that is as detailed or murky as the scene requires. He especially did some really cool panels with reflected images. He does go over the top sometimes with facial expressions, but I personally prefer over-expressive faces more than under-expressive. A solid first issue, but it still has work ahead of it to wash the dirty taste of Ultimate Power out of the reader's collective mouth… Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Jan 4, 2008

    That said, this was a decent enough start to this series. I'm not overly impressed with it, but not annoyed that I bought it, either. Bruce Banner comes to see Tony, asks for help curing his Hulk problem. He wants Stark's nano-technology to tell his Hulk-cells to turn off whenever he starts to change. Sounds like a plan to me. They go to one of Tony's facilities and run some tests. These tests cause Banner to Hulk out. Issue ends with him going crazy. Oh ya, apparently Pete Wisdom is an ex-British secret service with, literally, a big head and the Ultimate Leader. Wants Hulk-cells and nano-tech blood from both Banner and Stark. That's about all we're given. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Ultimate Goblin Apr 2, 2022

    It justifies my expectations for now: an ok comic with a studying of the Hulk nature. The art is arguable, but I'm fine with it. The story is ok for now, but it's nothing groundbreaking. Hulk is cool and invincible, Tony is... Hey, why the hell Tony didn't try to cure Bruce before he actually asked him for that? I mean, Hulk just killed so many people and the best they could is execute him, so he just changed into the Hulk again and didn't die. Yeah, Bruce definitely deserved to die, but you could at least try to cure him before that, at least to kill him properly.

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