Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega #4

Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 4, 2012 Critic Reviews: 2
6.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 4, 2012

    The arts loses a bit of steam in this issue, unfortunately. Roland Boschi's pencils are a bit looser than normal, and certain characters appear uglier and more distorted than they should. Meanwhile, a handful of the construct pages are tackled by Andrew Currie rather than Mark Brooks. The book still has some moody and engaging pages, but the overall quality has slipped from previous chapters. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    X-Man's Comic Blog - x-man75 Apr 10, 2012

    This comic... I have to say, it DID make me laugh... But for the wrong reasons! I mean come on, how the hell did Rachel Grey lose Berserker Wolvie that easily!? He showed up in front of her, told her he didn't do anything to Armor, and then just sort of vanished, which led to Rachel running around the halls like a chicken with it's head cut off trying to find him again. Why not, oh, I don't know, use your telepathy to locate him? As for the stuff in the VR world? It wasn't that bad. It actually showed Kid Omega in a more sympathetic light than I'm used to seeing as he actually apologized for what he had done to Wolvie and Armor. It was nice to see him act contrite for a change. With all that said though? I'll be glad when this mini is over. Read Full Review

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