X-Men Forever #16

Writer: Chris Claremont Artist: Tom Grummett Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 27, 2010 Critic Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
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GREAT JUMPING ON POINT…the fate of PERFECT STORM! The last time we saw Storm, she was fleeing from the X-Men, having blinded Sabretooth and killed Logan. Now, we turn our focus to Wakanda to see what became of the evil clone of the woman that the X-Men loved and trusted. Rated A …$3.99

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Jan 30, 2010

    Despite being an X-Men book, the subplots, the main plot, the characters and their histories all make sense. Claremont offers numerous shocking and clever twists, and Graham Nolan illustrates Rogue and Daisy Dugan. That's good enough for me. Read Full Review

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