X-Statix #17

Writer: Peter Milligan Artist: Mike Allred Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 4
8.0Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

The world finds out about the team's connection to Saddam Hussein! Can X-Force survive this next bout of public disfavor?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jan 5, 2004

    I'm actually a bit surprised by how quickly this story is moving these past couple issues, as there's some fairly major moments that played out in the last issue from Guy's murder of Spike, to the attempt on Lacuna's life, and if nothing else this issue is all about making Guy Smith into a viable action hero, as Peter Milligan seems to have realized that Guy's mutant talents could use a good showcase to convince fans like myself that extra sensitive senses can be a fairly formidable power if used right. In fact if I had to make one complaint about this issue it's that Guy is the only character who really gets any time on center stage, with the notable exception of Deadgirl's visit with Spike on the other side. However, given he's the recognized leader of the team, even if the clash of egos means the official title shifts to the most popular member, I guess we need issues like this where the character is allowed to separate himself from the crowd to show us why the others would follow h Read Full Review

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