Deadpool Max #7

Writer: David Lapham Artist: Kyle Baker Publisher: Marvel Max Release Date: April 20, 2011 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
5.0User Rating

"HONEYMOON IN WAIKIKI". They say women change after marriage. They say they stop caring about their looks and stop cooking meals and stop cleaning your socks. They say they change their hair color and their name and start lying about their whereabouts and sleeping with rich men and killing them and making deals to sell state secrets with terrorists and stop wearing perfume. They say all that, but Deadpool never thought it would happen to him. He never thought his new life as a non-killing dad would start out so blissfully and end up like this -- with his wife having all the fun and him at home taking care of a screaming baby, wondering when i more

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Morgan Davis Apr 28, 2011

    That Lapham and Baker can stretch the goofy extremes of Deadpool so far and still end on a surprisingly poignant note is a testament to how perfectly suited to this book they are. Given that this book has everything Deadpool fans of all aspects could ever want, I'm completely baffled by the fact that it isn't one of this year's most massive hits. Lapham and Baker are truly breaking new ground with this character and they aren't sacrificing fun or humor to do that. This is pop comics at its finest and you're only hurting yourself by missing it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Apr 25, 2011

    The subtle emotion that Baker is able to depict in Deadpool is surprising. For a man in a full body suit and mask, Deadpool emotes throughout the issue in a way that wouldn't be possible if he were drawn by a lesser artist. That skill helps sell the writing where Deadpool's sincerity and pseudo-maturity are at the center of the issue. After six issues of showing himself to be a mercurial and immature character, his dedication to what he thinks is his family is almost admirable. Sure, he's insane, but his insanity is well-placed here. Read Full Review

  • 1.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Victor Kutsenok Apr 21, 2011

    This issue was complete and utter nonsense. It lost at least 50 brain cells to ritual suicide by the time I was done reading. Read Full Review

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