Blood Feud #1
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Blood Feud #1

Writer: Cullen Bunn Artist: Drew Moss Publisher: Oni Press Release Date: October 7, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7
8.1Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

I've got a story to tell-a story about how me and a couple of poker buddies squared off against the very legions of Hell ... and maybe even saved the world. Like all good yarns, this one has its share of action, adventure, mystery, and romance. As for how it ends, though, you'll have to judge for yourself. Me, I've always been partial to happy endings-the singing cowboy riding off into the sunset-but I reckon that just ain't the way of the world. This story's got vampires, too, loads of them, but not in the beginning. It began, for us at least, with spiders.

  • 9.5
    Comic Plug - Matt Sep 9, 2015

    Blood Feud is the perfect comic for anyone looking for something dark and mysterious. The characters dont yet know what theyre getting into or whats going on in their town, and that gives them relatabilty and personality. As mentioned before, the writing in this book is fantastic and allows the reader to really feel the mood of the story. If youre a fan of the campy horror genre (and I use that description with the highest respect) then this is the ideal read for you. Everything about this book is done remarkably well, and Im definitely looking forward to the next issue! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - pharoahmiles Sep 7, 2015

    This book is filled with twists at every corner, and some you even see coming yet a strong series that can easily be a TV show. The story by Cullen Bunn is departures from everything we have seem from him before, which is at times off-putting but shows his skills as writer who can tell superb stories no matter the genre. The art by Drew Moss and Nick Filardi is exceptional from their character designs to the intricate settings. Overall, a great entry into the genre, which looks to ramp up the action in future issues. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - Karcossa Oct 10, 2015

    Blood Feud #1took me by surprise, and (as you can probably tell) I really enjoyed the comic; I'll be adding this to my ever-growing pull list when I next go to my Local Comic Shop. Hopefully you'll do the same. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Sep 28, 2015

    A great first issue that establishes the characters and more importantly a town with a past that has its toes in the occult. It might have a bit too much narration for my tastes, but I'm geared up and ready for a much more monsterific second issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Oct 21, 2015

    On the story side we don't know too much yet, but there's a lot of material introduced. The primary plot is the feud between the Whatleys and the Stubbs, but we don't know the whys of the matter just yet. We meet what looks to be the three main characters who all have distinct personalities, and there's a nice balance of time devoted to each of them to allow Bunn to flesh them out, and make each of them likable characters. As more issues are released, this book looks as though it will add a lot of depth and I'll be back to read all about it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Crusaders - Dawn of Comics Sep 16, 2015

    This issue was actually a pretty good build up issue. It felt like the start of a horror movie, it had everything you want from horror. I really enjoyed it. The art is great and for the first time in a long while all the characters were likeable. It's gonna be sad when we start to lose them one by one. If I'm being honest I have to say it felt a little like the walking dead. Almost like a prequel until the vampires. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Sep 23, 2015

    There could be something interesting about this story in the future. This first issue focuses too heavily on setting up the world and hinting at the conflict instead of finding something truly interesting to hook us outside of the story influences. Also, usually when a series finds a way to use its title within the story I give it bonus points, but here it was overkill. They say "blood feud" too many times for it to be a cool treat. If you're into Bunn's horror/terror stories then you may enjoy this, but I found it to be one of his weaker stories. Read Full Review

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