Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor: Year Three #9

Writer: Alex Paknadel Artist: I. N. J. Culbard Publisher: Titan Books Release Date: August 30, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
7.0Critic Rating
10User Rating

The sapling continues to grow, under the influence of the Doctor and Alice - but can it suppress its programmed instincts for mass-destruction? When the three take a trip to the most inhospitable spot in the universe, the truth will come out!

  • 7.0
    Nerdly - Dean Fuller Sep 1, 2017

    The art, by Culbard, I am used to now but have a bit of an indifferent view on it. I don't dislike it, in fact I really like the straightforward page layouts and panel placements, but I find it a little bland. A little too cartoony at times perhaps. That being said, Culbard's depiction of The Doctor is solid, and he makes the cartoony Doctor work nicely. If any Doctor lends himself well to cartoony, it's Eleven. The colours, by Triona Farrell, are nicely done, especially the muted colours on Zoline. Read Full Review

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