Unnatural Order's first arc races to its conclusion as three factions face off to change the world...whether to destroy it, save it, or transform it forever. Navy Seal John Murphy is determined to kill Iodoc the Druid, he just has to get past a dragon, a vampire, and the Grey Queen first. But beyond the Sun Gate, Murphy's allies are truly different people...and one of them is about to betray all of humanity.
'Unnatural Order' #4 ends the first story arc by completely usurping expectations, taking the the sci-fi/fantasy action-adventure in a new direction. This causes a bit of disconnect from the first three issues, but also creates a more interesting narrative. Read Full Review
This has gotten very convoluted. I expected it to end this issue. Now it's feeling like it's being drawn out. The world is interesting, but let's stay in one rather than the other. The characters switching back and forth is jarring. Let's have them remain in their fantasy versions as that's the selling point of the book. I'm going to get the next one, but if it doesn't course correct then I'm probably going to drop it.
Mr Comic Review Channel -https://youtu.be/kXKCSq3o1V0