Emma Dreams of Stars

Emma Dreams of Stars

Publisher: Vertical Release: Dec 2021 Volumes: 1 Critic Reviews: 1
8.0 Avg. Critic Rating
N/A Avg. User Rating

Based on a true story of a former Michelin Guide Inspector. Find out what the top-secret life of a professional foodie is like. Emma, a food writer, can't give up her childhood dream of becoming a Michelin Guide Inspector, and sends her resume to the Michelin headquarters. She is informed nine months later that there is an opening and goes to a mysterious interview. Originally published in France, this a full color manga that is an inspiring story about not giving up on your dreams, women's empowerment, and life purpose.

User Ratings Critic Ratings
Rating Volume Writer Artist Reviews
Vol. 1 Kan Takahama Emmanuelle Maisonneuve

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