Grimm Tales of Terror: The Bridgewater Triangle #2

Writer: Brian Studler Artist: Deivis Goetten Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment Release Date: October 30, 2019 Cover Price: $5.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
9.6Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Deep within the Bridgewater Triangle lies what's left of the Taunton State Hospital. Originally known as the State Lunatic Hospital, opening in 1851 as a psychiatric health facility, it has housed serial killers Anthony Santo, Jane Toppan, and Lizzie Bordon. Though long since abandoned, the horrors within the remaining walls lie in wait for unsuspecting travelers to discover the true terror hidden inside the darkest of crevices.  

  • 9.6
    The Fandom Post - Richard Gutierrez Oct 30, 2019

    Grimm Tales of Terror Presents: The Bridgewater Triangle continues to surprise readers with stories which are hauntingly moving as we experience it through the actors, and yet the brutality is not dependent on gore to get its point across, instead relying on psychological thrills for the chills. Then add the excellence of an artistic team that knows how to amplify the nuances of environmental scenery, and we have a series that continues to surprise with visual sophistication on par with any modern horror film. While the stories may sometimes rely too much on those same movies for foundational inspiration to anchor the reader to old tales of Hockomock Swamp, one cannot deny the mixture creates a unique landscape which never forgets the audience must relate with the characters in order to have the sense of suffering which connects us all to these unforgettable tales. Read Full Review

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