Scalped Vol. 4: The Gravel In Your Guts

Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: Davide Furno, R. M. Guera Publisher: Vertigo Trade Paperback: December 10, 2013 Issues: 6, Issue Reviews: 18
8.7Critic Rating
10User Rating

This intense crime drama that mixes organized crime with current Native American culture.

Fifteen years ago, Dashiell "Dash" Bad Horse ran away from a life of poverty and hopelessness on the Prairie Rose Indian Reservation in search of something better. Now he's come back home armed with nothing but a set of nunchucks, a hell-bent-for-leather attitude and one dark secret, to find nothing much has changed on "The Rez" - short of a glimmering new casino, and a once-proud people overcome by drugs and organized crime.

In this volume, Dash makes a dark and fateful decision that will forever affect his future on the more

Rating Collected Issues Reviews
Scalped #19 2
Scalped #20 1
Scalped #21 3
Scalped #22 2
Scalped #23 3
Scalped #24 1

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