Jonn McLoed 's Profile

Joined: Mar 16, 2023

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Charred Remains (2023) #1

Dec 16, 2023

I’m going to start with the fact my anticipation for this comic being wonderful was extremely high. Having now read issue number 1 all I can say is this comic was everything that I had hoped for and a whole lot more. Lovely script , tight dialogue and some of the best art I’ve seen in months all brought together with an extremely credible story. I won’t give away spoilers but if you only actually bought it for the art you would be doing yourself an injustice.

Charred Remains (2023) #2

Feb 3, 2024

I love the mystery that’s unfolding in nearly every panel and then brought to life with a soft color palette that oozes of the pages. As a second issue the pace slows done but the intrigue takes its place and leaves a wash of anticipation on the reader. This is intelligent horror on a grand scale and I look forward to being drawn into the fires.

Charred Remains (2023) #3

Mar 12, 2024

Issue 3 took the pacing and horror to the next level. Tight , focused writing with on point dialogue married to some of the most disturbing pallete and art that I've seen in many a year brings a comic to as close to perfect as can be. If you love horror then pick up issue 1 and give your mind over to the flames of Hell.

Charred Remains (2023) #4

Apr 1, 2024

The less I understand about the direction of this story the more it pulls at me to follow regardless of where it goes ultimately. The art smothers me at times and the drama leaps of the page. This has so many loose ends that I eagerly look forward to the next page and oh how I love these covers as each one entices me in to a reward that keeps on giving. Till next month.

Charred Remains (2023) #5

Apr 25, 2024

This comic to be honest is worth every single penny for the sumptuous art. Add in a lovely script that unfolds just at the right time and your on to a winner. Mix in crisp dialogue and horror or a cult level and you have probably the most underrated comic on the shelf just now. I could pour over this kind of lovely art all day and find new ways to love it more.

Darkwing Duck (2023) #1

Mar 16, 2023

The writing and art are a joy to behold for fans of D.W of old and so easy to pick up and enjoy as a new reader as well no matter the age. It’s lovely in this day and age to just be able to spend time reading like I did so so many years ago as a child. It put a smile on my face and I look forward to picking this up every month.

Darkwing Duck (2023) #2

Mar 16, 2023

I absolutely loved this comic for all the lovely references to Superhero Comics of the past. Well written and beautifully crafted story for young and old fans alike.

Darkwing Duck (2023) #3

Mar 18, 2023

I absolutely loved the charm and wit of this story and as the plot builds up it gets better and better. Great writing and lovely simple drawn but sumptuously executed art make me think I’m sat in my armchair watching the show from yesterday. All in all a wonderful story crafted by a team that care about all the characters.

Darkwing Duck (2023) #10

Jan 29, 2024

As a massive fan of Darkwing Duck this made my day. It’s charming and funny and leaves me smiling which is never a bad thing. Nice intro to Justice League Ducks and hopefully this wonderful comic will return as there is so few all age comics on the shelf theses days. The best writers in the world can make a 4 year old laugh and a 60 year old as well so hats of to Amanda Deibert for pulling of the near impossible

Dawnrunner (2024) #1

Apr 27, 2024

Companies like Dark Horse really do take a chance on comics like this and when they hit a home run they do so in style. The art and colours oozed off the page and the story felt like I was sitting in front of a 100 inch tv or the latest AAA game and believe me this was up there with the best I've read in a long time. As the age of superheroes is starting to come to an end it leaves room for writers and artists to write something that just leaves the reader wanting more.

Dawnrunner (2024) #2

Apr 29, 2024

If you think issue 1 was outstanding then issue 2 puts it in a cage and upscales it by a huge margin. This is outstanding on every single level and is now in a head to head with Hellblazer Dead in America as some of the most intelligent thought provoking comics of this or any other year. If comic companies are to survive with spiralling costs then this is how to do it. Awesome

Green Lantern: War Journal (2023) #1

Dec 20, 2023

This was my highlight of the week from DC and I’m in for the long haul. Great art , fabulous script and couple that with a heart breaking moment that makes comics so so cool. This is should be on every comic book pile for the reason that comic book pile’s exist……Awesome

Green Lantern: War Journal (2023) #2

Dec 20, 2023

I just love the take on John Stewart. Great writing and lovely art that tells a story simply yet adds layers to the sub plots. It’s the kind of super hero comic that harkens back to the writing of the 60’s but spins it up into 2060. More please.

Green Lantern: War Journal (2023) #3

Dec 23, 2023

After the first 2 issues I was really expecting a bit of a drop in quality and a slow down of story but thankfully this team have kept everything boiling along nicely with lovely art and making John into a great son as well as our hero…..Can’t find fault with this at all and that is me at my happiest!!!!!

John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America (2024) #1

Jan 16, 2024

If this was my last ever version of John Constantine then I would be a very happy old man. Without spoilers all I can really say is great writing and wonderful art all wrapped up in a story that makes me smile from ear to ear. Give yourself a winter treat and delve into Occult the way it should be.

John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America (2024) #2

Mar 8, 2024

As an old timer that loves horror and I do mean real horror then this ticks every single box ans then some more. The art is ridiculously good and the script is to die for. Both of my favourite characters from DC and lots of witty dialogue to keep me feeling all nostalgic. It's my 60th birthday today and this is one Hell of a great present. Many thanks for the years John bloody Constantine and I will raise a glass of red to many more

John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America (2024) #3

Mar 27, 2024

This was truly a difficult read as it hits on the levels of your mind that you seldom want to look at as it makes you an inferior version of thy true self reflection. This is adult writing for adults to ponder on long after you have closed the last page in the book. This is John as John should be written and takes my breath away and leaves me sad at how I am and how I see the world I didn't make. 10 out of 10 all day long.

John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America (2024) #4

Apr 22, 2024

Way back in the year 1968 I read my very first comic. I was lying in bed with tonsillitis at 4 years old and today 56 years later I have probably read the best darn comic of them all. It has something in it for anyone that loves the Supernatural and sprinkle in humor , Dream and a London double decker bus and you have as close to perfection as I have ever read. The portrayal of Swamp Thing is an absolute joy and the art is a thing of wonder.

John Constantine: Hellblazer #1

Apr 29, 2024

To anyone currently reading Dead in America do yourself a massive and beg steal or borrow a copy of issue 1 or better still dip your hand in your pocket and buy the trade. This is John like I had always hoped he could be. Dark , funny and a (insert a word) If you think the writing is great then the art is an absolute joy. Outstanding

John Constantine: Hellblazer #2

May 1, 2024

Although I'm now reading this as a graphic novel it still deserves a review in the respect of a single issue. The story moves from place to place and keeps me as a reader totally engaged with John as he moves through his day Dawn till dusk. He never seems to achieve what he set out but as his day unfolds so does the story regardless of the way John deviates. Outstanding writing and sublime art set this on course for one of the very best stories of Hellblazer.

John Constantine: Hellblazer #3

May 4, 2024

It's times like these that I get to having a wish that one day I could write like this. The art was perfect and John was John of my younger days. Superb!!!!!

King Spawn #27

Dec 11, 2023

As an older reader that kind of lost interest in Spawn after issue 118 all I can say is welcome back me. Todd’s writing is clear and clean with a tight script that catches the reader up quickly and brilliantly and the art just pops of the page. The script and the art are so closely tied that the words add layers to a visual treat. This is how good comics become great in the future by having an artist that can bring a script to life.

King Spawn #28

Dec 11, 2023

The main reason this issue for me gets a whopping 10 isn’t the fabulous art which is an absolute treat but the way Spawn uses his violence as a way to show Hell in all its dimensions exactly who is the King. Trying to avoid spoilers but it’s a quick read that has many hidden gems and layers all at the same time. This is the reason I still love comics after nearly 60 years!!!!!

Sam and Twitch: Case Files (2024) #1

Mar 30, 2024

This is why I love comics and I'm not going to lie when it gave me a deep satisfaction at why in the right hands adult comics can work. The art was wonderful as it brought a level of realistic flavour to my eyes that are missing theses days. The script was fun but the ending hit all the high notes that's needed in a monthly comic and the splash pages were so glorious that you could actually visualise seeing them first hand. Awesome start to hopefully a long long run

Sam and Twitch: Case Files (2024) #2

Apr 18, 2024

This is seriously my kind of detective book. So many subtle plot lines running through sumptuous art. It kind of reminds me of shows like kojak and Ironside that shaped my young mind all those years ago. Sometimes slow let's you just enjoy the show and this is great.

Sam and Twitch: Case Files (2024) #3

May 28, 2024

Well paced , gritty and totally believable mixed in with lots of little sub plots and my kind of realistic art make a brilliant comic.

Sirens of the City (2023) #1

May 11, 2024

Dark , gritty, sexy and weird. Add up the ingredients and blanket them in top drawer noir art that sings off the pages and you really get a great intro. This kind of story telling is going to be the death of superhero Comics over the next few years.

The Last Mermaid (2024) #1

May 11, 2024

I'm never a fan of an artist that writes his/hers own stories as it usually leads to a mess of ideas but hats of to Derek Kirk Kim for an absolute visual treat filled with so much emotion. Each panel told a truly horrifying story with so few words. This takes me back to the early days of my hero Steve Ditko that turned art into the story instead of just being there to guide the reader. Exceptional

The Last Mermaid (2024) #2

May 13, 2024

As delicious as this comic is to hold and read the real beauty is not the fantastic characters but the scope of the universe that could be created around this story. An absolute joy.

The Last Mermaid (2024) #3

May 13, 2024

This is story telling on a level that I haven't seen since my childhood when obsessed with Tom and Jerry. Every single panel tells a bit if the story and as sparce as the words are they bring a level of intensity to the action. This is extremely addictive to read as I adore art and ant artist that can bring to life a story is a genius in my book.

Giant Robot Hellboy (2023) #1

Dec 2, 2023

As a brand new reader to Hellboy I have to say I absolutely loved this comic. It was a quick read but the art was lovely and the story ripped along without breaking pace. This is how I love to read comics. Fast , dramatic and so much fun.

Giant Robot Hellboy (2023) #2

Dec 2, 2023

I’m going to be honest as I had to take a little bit of the score as it left me annoyed that there wasn’t more. This is exactly why comics are so awesome and no mistake. Just sheer fun and long may this team continue. Script 10 , writing 10 , art 10 and minus .5 for needing another issue now. So looking forward to the final installment.

Gunslinger Spawn #24

Dec 14, 2023

Gunslinger Spawn as a story just seems to work perfectly and with a nice tight script and seriously cool art it’s a breath of fresh air. I couldn’t decide whether to give it a 9 or a 10 so because of the art I went half way. This and King Spawn Are just so night and day ahead of the main Spawn title just now so if you haven’t given it a try please do.

Gunslinger Spawn #25

Dec 14, 2023

Unfortunately this issue really had to get the perfect 10 as I’m struggling to find anything in it that wasn’t awesome. The art was not to put too fine a point on it really rather exquisite and the cool script with easy dialogue makes this comic up there with some of the best on the market just now. Buy , read and enjoy.

Negaduck (2023) #1

May 4, 2024

I'm a huge Darkwing Duck fan and this charming little story about greed and corruption with a hint of skullduggery is right up my street. Great character development and gorgeous art with eye popping colours was like watching my first cartoon a 1000 years ago. I loved it.

Negaduck (2023) #2

May 6, 2024

I just love Negaduck and the art is wonderful. I'm actually struggling to find anything to complain about and I just love the charm of this. I was lucky as I was brought up solely on cartoons as that was my Saturday morning taken care of. 1960's/ 70's cartoon slap stick over milk and toast. Ah this makes me feel young again.

Negaduck (2023) #3

May 7, 2024

As fun goes this is a blast. It's like an acid trip version of The Mummy meets Indiana Jones. I must be tripping myself as this is starting to be.e my addictive guilty pleasure and as my normal reading material is extremely dark horror this is a palate cleanser to yesteryear.

Negaduck (2023) #4

May 7, 2024

I loved every lovely panel of this great kids to adults comic. Great history write in a love letter to the past and may I say the art and colouring is a complete joy to tired eyes. For the big kid in you give this a try and the worst thing that can happen is you will have a laugh and leave the issue with a grin.

Negaduck (2023) #5

May 9, 2024

I absolutely love this series so far and believe me when I say my eyes are still running from laughing. Outstanding script with the usual awesome art gives this issue the perfect 10.

Alan Scott: The Green Lantern (2023) #1

Dec 28, 2023

I actually have no idea where to start with this comic as I’m not even sure if i actually liked it or hated it. The story itself was a little on the flimsy side but the character development was so strong that it kind of made the story irrelevant anyway. This kind of comic is seriously not my thing and I am going to be honest I bought it to slate it and in the end it won me over. I suppose a great team usually always does.

Green Lantern (2023) #1

Dec 23, 2023

The main story was fun , charming and harks back to when I read comics all those decades ago. Great script and fantastic art really hits all the high notes for a catch up with a great character. The back up story is short and really hits a home run in so few pages. This is how comics should be written and drawn.

Green Lantern (2023) #2

Dec 26, 2023

Great second issue that started brilliantly and faded just a little towards the end in both writing and art but as a second issue it added enough to keep me enjoying story and that’s good enough for me. The back up story is stunning as that is in my head John Stewart’s voice…short , sharp and I love it.

Justice Ducks (2024) #1

Jan 29, 2024

I really loved the first part of the story and unfortunately it really kind of dipped away a little bit at the end. Wonderful idea and with a tighter script to go with the charming art this could be a great comic for all ages

Justice Ducks (2024) #2

Apr 20, 2024

As an all age group cartoon romp this makes me nostalgic for the old cartoons of the 1960's with a modern twist that I enjoy reading probably more than I should admit to well!!!! anyone really. Sorry it lost half a mark for a tofu dog..... seriously who the hell eats tofu dogs and admits it

Justice Ducks (2024) #3

May 16, 2024

Every now and then I come across middle of the road reviews for Dark Wing Duck and Negaduck. Sorry people but these are all ages comics that are written and drawn for fans like me. I get it's nostalgia but there is so wonderfully written and drawn comic genius here and Stegmutt is in a class of his own. I love it and I'm the target market so please review as if you were the target audience.

Knight Terrors: Green Lantern (2023) #1

Dec 27, 2023

Awesome cover and nice story that feels a bit weird considering the main story is only 2 issues gone??? DC sometimes confuses me with all these crossovers that really screw up the main feature. I wish someone would make these crossovers a separate theme that doesn’t make me need to read about 60 comics to get nowhere. Anyway rant aside I enjoyed it so worth the admission price.

Knight Terrors: Green Lantern (2023) #2

Jan 2, 2024

This was a seriously fun story that highlighted Hal as the Green Lantern that I grew up with. Add in some of the best art I’ve seen in many a year and you get a brilliant package.

Draculina (2022): Blood Simple #1

Mar 18, 2023

I’m not going to lie when I picked up this book I had absolutely and utterly no idea if I would like it, hate it or just be bored by it but in truth I really rather enjoyed it. Nice art , good writing and nicely set up for the issues ahead. As the story unfolded I really got into it and as a new reader it kept me in the loop and made me look forward to issue 2. Great job and is now on my pull list.

Draculina (2022): Blood Simple #2

Mar 20, 2023

I really enjoyed issue 1 but for some reason this issue left me with some many questions and next to no answers. The plot went from one thing to the next to quickly and left me enjoying it and then whisked me off again to the next plot thread. The art is stunning and I enjoy the ride but would as a new reader to have each plot thread fleshed out a little bit more. All in all I love the title and am engaged with all the characters so look forward to the next issue.

James Bond: 007 (2024) #1

Apr 18, 2024

I'm a huge Bond fan and this is my first ever James bond comic because of Garth Ennis. I wasn't sure before starting this issue if James can ever come across all that well in the comics medium but I really rather enjoyed it and the dynamics of the whole team felt real and written with love to the earlier films. It wasn't perfect and the art was a hit and a miss from panel to panel but good job and I will be back for issue 2

Poison Ivy (2022) #1

Apr 1, 2024

Every now and then on my journey around comicdom looking for something that is better than 95% of the over hyped drivel that litters the bargain bins of tomorrow I come across what an old fried once said. "Greatness is everywhere but only 5% of people buy it , only 5% of people sell it and only 5% of people like it. Poison Ivy No 1 is that and more. It actually makes me think about her mind and say go girl as this is adult writing in a crowded market of dross

Poison Ivy (2022) #2

Apr 3, 2024

Difficult to write a review on a comic where nothing really actually happened and yet I loved every word of it. Not usually my kind of writing and seldom my style of reading but this issue alone has changed my views on inner monologue writing and comics in the future. Something very moreish and disturbing about Pam and I for one desire to know more.

Poison Ivy (2022) #4

Apr 6, 2024

4 issues in and I ca t help loving Pam more and more with every panel. The writing gets better by the issue and the art is stunning. Oh how I would love to see Pam played like this on Netflix but until that happens roll on the next issue

Poison Ivy (2022) #5

Apr 6, 2024

Outstanding script and up there with some of the best psychological horror I've read in comics ever. Genius is what comes to mind as Pams mind wanders but is still able to focus to a point. The way she uses past problems and Batman to help her psychosis turn into a weapon is truly wonderful and is a joy to read.

Poison Ivy (2022) #6

Apr 8, 2024

To the people who found this episode weak all I can really say is each to there own but for the rest of us that clearly understood the message then this has been a wonderful end to the first 6 issues. I for one loved every single word and panel. It was written by a writer that has talent , a voice and hope in the most perverse way. Great horror and special mention to the art and colour team as it was a joy to the eyes.

Poison Ivy (2022) #7

Apr 13, 2024

I'm a little confused by this opening of the second arc as if I'm honest I would say it was written by the same writer but scripted as an environmental green issue by a man. I'm aware this goes on in comics but this was slow , predictable and Pams voice was a little to matter of fact drab. Hopefully the pace will pick up a lot as the arc moves on. I also found the art a little by numbers and I'm really disappointed as this had a win all over it.

Poison Ivy (2022) #8

Apr 14, 2024

I loved this on every single level as it tells the story off the Green as a living being and how Pam fights to be either all monster or half loving human. At her core she is the Green but on the edges she wants to beloved and worshipped y the women that set off the chain in her mind off the woman she once was.

Poison Ivy (2022) #9

Apr 14, 2024

This kind of loved up issue drives me nuts as it serves no purpose in the overall story of Pam. The way Pam got Harley to trip was it's saving grace as it shows the power of the mind needed to actually understand the Green. I have said this countless times and I will say it once more " please stop fleecing people out of hard earned money with sweet filler stories that would have worked wonderfully well in an 80 page issue with 4 or 5 of these great stories

Poison Ivy (2022) #10

Apr 16, 2024

I love Pam on every level and her inner monologue is a work of genius but the story is so-so and at times meanders like a bad Thelma and Louise script. The first 6 issues were pure horror with live and this is a side salad of something that you will forget about by breakfast time

Poison Ivy (2022) #11

Apr 16, 2024

This issue takes a strange story of Karma and greed with a cult like mixture and sort of achieves absolutely and utterly less than nothing. Janet is becoming a really bad distraction that seems to pull the story completely of the rails. The weakest story so far an I'm starting to tire a little of the lack of a real plot line.

Poison Ivy (2022) #19

Feb 11, 2024

Reviewing this issue as a stand alone issue is difficult for me as I've never read Poison Ivy and only really seen her in Batman movies up till this point. The writing and art just made me enjoy each page as the story unfolded. As origins go this has the makings of making me into a Poison Ivy fan and that is worth the admission fee on its own.

Poison Ivy (2022) #21

Apr 3, 2024

This reminds me a little of The Incredible Hulk TV show of the 70's. Before people say nonsense hear me out or ignore me and move on. It tells a story if Love ,sorrow and deep regret built around anger and self loathing. This takes place in a society that is lost and Pam is the cure. The cure is probably worse than the disease but aren't they all??? Aren't they all.

Haunt You to the End (2023) #1

Apr 25, 2024

I do love a good ghost story and this was strangely slow to burn but has a high level of promise. The art for me didn't quite hit levels that I had anticipated as I love his work but I put that down to a script that needed a bit of a nudge along quicker. Not bad for an issue 1 and at least Top Cow get a 10/10 for the subject material

Universal Monsters: Creature From The Black Lagoon Lives! (2024) #1

Apr 27, 2024

The biggest problem with film adaptations is the weight of either nostalgia or expectancy. I'm lucky as I've never seen or even heard of the original so I come in as a fresh perspective so to speak. Biggest flaw was it read a little to quick and skipped along to the final page just a little ahead of the subplots. The art got the job done of telling the story easily without reading a word and for that I'm grateful as it showed an artist as a genuine fan of the story. All in I have to say nice job by the team and hopefully the next issue or 2 will flesh out those lovely subplots

The Devil That Wears My Face (2023) #1

Oct 28, 2023

Outstanding on every level. This is the kind of comic that should be on every horror lovers pull list

The Devil That Wears My Face (2023) #2

Dec 4, 2023

It’s not often when the 2nd issue of a comic is better than the first but Issue 2 starts strong and builds up the tension wonderfully. As it skips back and forwards between Veiri and Legion you get a strange feeling that you understand both men on a strange pathway. I absolutely loved the pacing and the art was deep and brought my imagination to life. This is seriously how horror should be written and drawn.

The Devil That Wears My Face (2023) #3

Jan 4, 2024

I loved both issue 1 and 2 but this left me seriously cold. The writing was of a standard that made me question if the same writer actually wrote this and some of the art was also in places coloured by a different hand. I do understand that small independent comic companies do suffer a lot from quality control at times but nobody wants to pay good money for rushed sloppy work.

The Devil That Wears My Face (2023) #4

Feb 3, 2024

I don’t like spoilers as a review should give a verdict without going into the actual substance in detail but on this occasion I have to say from start to finish it was a long chase with lots of monologue that literally had me wondering if there was a point to this story at all. The art in parts was okay and at others awful and some of the dialogue was absurd. He’s Legion of Hell not some Joker from a bad time in Batman’s past. Hopefully the writer can write the Devil out this to bring it back to the wonderful promise of the first 2 issues!!!!!

Skeeters (2023) #1

Dec 7, 2023

This comic hit every note for a Netflix/Amazon Prime series right from the first page. Great set up , sumptuous dialogue, lovely art that tells the story deliciously and a nice tight fun script. Mad Cave Studios are really starting to hit the highs with horror stories and I as a guy who has been reading comics since the 60’s is certainly entertained. Give it a try and you’ll not be disappointed if you’re a horror nerd

Skeeters (2023) #2

Jan 25, 2024

This is seriously one of the best fun comics on any market place just now. Outstanding writing and seriously well crafted script that lets the artist let rip with panel after panel of genius. I said in my review of issue 1 this could make a Netflix sensation and issue 2 makes me think that it really should. Character development will be key to the long term success of this comic but for me so far I’m absolutely and utterly loving it.

Skeeters (2023) #3

Mar 19, 2024

After a really fun ride with the first 2 issues this felt flat and mostly read like a quick filler episode. As a reader until the end I learned nothing and to be honest if I only read the last page I would have been all the better for it. This is why people are leaving comics because the writers start to write drivel to get people to buy an extra issue or two of a hot story. Time will tell but recently Mad Cave Comics are setting the bar high with the first couple of issues and then dropping the quality later on. It's an old Marvel tactic and with comics being so expensive it should stop immediately but alas it won't until people just stop trying something new.

Skeeters (2023) #4

Mar 22, 2024

As fun as it started it kind of lost the plot completely towards the e d and I'm none the better for actually reading this final instalment. The jokes became less and I felt that each panel was art over substance. With a much better thought out last 2 issues this could have been one of the best mini series in years. Shame really and I ultimately blame the editor as a few tweaks would really have made a difference.

Flash (2023) #1

Dec 24, 2023

I’ve read some great , bad , awful and utterly pointless comics since I picked up my very first comic lying in bed with a chest infection all the way back in 1968 but this issue for me highlighted why all these decades later I’m still in love with comics. This is some of the best writing and art anywhere just now and if this is where DC comics are pushing the medium in the future then count me in for another 50+ years

Flash (2023) #2

Dec 24, 2023

This comic suffered the issue 2 syndrome that really should have been eliminated years ago by something called a good editor. The art was top notch and for me gets a 10/10 but all the lovely points that started in issue 1 were all but ignored for the sake of driving the main story along. Some of the dialogue was pretty poor and it felt to me that the best bits of the comic were left on the cutting room floor. Writing unfortunately is a 5/10 with only the fantastic art keeping it up.

Flash (2023) #3

Dec 25, 2023

This comic is an absolute mess of writing , dialogue and even the art looks layered and rushed. Sorry DC but after a really 1st class issue No 1 it’s been a down hill slog of dreadful dialogue. The problem of real dialogue which is either internal or external is that it must actually make sense to the reader or like me results in a loss of interest and a dropping of the book completely. Sorry to say but 3 strikes and this reader is out.

Dick Tracy (2024) #1

Apr 26, 2024

Not particularly sure what all the hype is about to be frank. The art was pretty good and fitted the character well and the script rattled along nicely but the dialogue was way to contrived for my taste. I love nostalgia and I get it was set post war during a particularly violent gang time in American history but the tone of the dialogue makes it difficult to really enjoy it.

Vampirella / Dracula: Rage (2023) #1

Dec 16, 2023

Well I wasn’t expecting to much from this issue and to be honest it was a mix bag of great, good and a bit predictable. Firstly the great is Dracula that is my kind of being straight out of brilliant writing. The problem seems to be as others have said, if you haven’t had 2 or 3 years of the writer’s stories about Ella then you’re left a bit in the dark which for a mini series is a shame. Someone needs to remind Priest about new reader jumping on points????

Vampirella / Dracula: Rage (2023) #2

Dec 18, 2023

Following on from issue 1 as a new reader to Vampirella and I’m really starting to enjoy this mini series. The script was better than issue 1 and some of the dialogue was still a little off at times but better. The art is something that you either love or loathe but in the most part I loved it and I’m really hard to please. All in all I’m really looking forward to the next issue.

Vampirella / Dracula: Rage (2023) #3

Dec 18, 2023

Biggest let down for me this issue was the art that looked rushed , sloppy and didn’t really do the script much justice. It must be difficult for a writer and especially one like Priest that puts a lot of his own ego into his books to have an artist that for want of a better word is sloppy with the story telling. Hopefully it’s just a minor blip as the story in itself is good and I like Priest as a writer. Maybe if Dynamite could keep the cover count down to a couple off really cool covers and spent more money on a better quality artist they would be on to a good thing.

Vampirella / Dracula: Rage (2023) #4

Dec 20, 2023

The star so far is Dracula as his voice and manner are close to perfection. The story is seriously getting repetitive and the art is getting worse by the issue. It is starting to feel rushed and a bit of an editorial disaster. Sorry but it’s a crying shame as this story really had some promise at the start and I’m now wondering if it can be brought to a satisfactory conclusion???

Predator: The Last Hunt (2024) #1

Mar 27, 2024

Bit of a shame as this has huge potential for an ongoing series but falls flat on its face as an Issue 1. Nice script with okay dialogue that really could have scored really high with a killer last page. The art is Marvel all over just now. The real issue with this kind of art is it really can't build tension and that again is a real shame as the lead character is awesome and with moody dark art and tighter dialogue this would be great.

Spawn #345

Dec 12, 2023

I’ve been a long time Spawn fan and really enjoying King Spawn but this is an absolute mess of a comic. The art is poorly drawn and way over colored to make up for it. The script is a disaster as it’s going from one Realm to another way to quickly to get a sense of drama and scope. The biggest issue really is the awful dialogue between far to man characters that diminish Spawn in his own book. Sorry but this writer is seriously not up to the task.

Spawn #346

Dec 13, 2023

The main issue I have with this particular issue of Spawn is the absolutely dreadful speech that kind of sounds like she said this and he said that. This is seriously not the Al Simmons that I grew to love all those years ago. The art is still not directing the story and the script is so flimsy with none of the scope of a real battle between Heaven and Hell. Sorry but this comic needs an editor that totally understands the character as it heads towards issue 400

Spawn #347

Dec 14, 2023

Apart from the end this is an absolute mess of a supposedly great team up book. The title is Spawn not JLA meets Suicide Squad. The art is up and down and the dialogue is something that DC are bad for with its monologue narrative. Before someone says I’m anti Spawn and Image I will say I’m loving the wonderful feel of King Spawn and I’ve loved Spawn since issue 1. This comic makes me sad at the concept being just to big for the writer and artist. It won’t stop me reading as I’m a fan for life and all books go up and down but this is just plain boring.

Spawn #348

Dec 23, 2023

This story is so disjointed that each month I keep hoping all the loose threads will simultaneously come together but alas I’m starting to fear not. As a story the Dead Zones can never be accessed by either Heaven or Hell as the portals are one way mirrors and only thy true reflection of self could come through and go back. Sorry but when you write a large scope Heaven vs Hell story that gets the reader invested in the tug of war then you really should have the knowledge and skill to write it. I still love Spawn as a character and won’t stop reading because all comics hit the highs and lows but this is poor.

Spawn #349

Jan 27, 2024

The thing that makes Spawn really Spawn for me is the wonderful art that came from real talent and this is unfortunately where it goes seriously wrong as the art is like digital painting by numbers. The script is all over the place not helped in anyway by the art but what really got up my nose was the dialogue that was woefully written. I look forward to issue 350 and hopefully I can put this story away and forget how bad it really was.

The Sandman Universe: Hellblazer #1

Dec 11, 2023

I picked up this copy of a few years back to get me up to speed with the new mini series starting next month. As a long time Hellblazer fan I found this an over written and poorly drawn episode in a drama that should never really have come to life in the first place. There was bits of good writing and bits of informative art that could really have used an editor that knew the character and was able to use his voice better over the back drop of his mind. John is a very complicated character that only really Is understood when he uses his voice as his thoughts and seldom the other way around. Nice try but I prefer John like in Original Sins and less like that trash at the end of the 300 issues.

Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance (2024) #1

Mar 27, 2024

Oh for the love of!!!!! This has to be the candidate for the worst issue 1 Marvel has ever produced. The art was by numbers , the script by an idiot and if someone can please pass me an actual plot I would be grateful. I love the concept of Ghost Rider but to write it properly you really should tale it out the Marvel universe and actually bring horror to the table. This is cheap crap and I'm starting to loose all faith in where Marvel are going just now. Stop all these number 1's and start writing stories and drawing real art before the day day comes where you close your doors.

Ghost Rider: Final Vengeance (2024) #2

May 1, 2024

I'm very privileged in life to get to read and review many stories. Today I have to say the privilege feels awful short on time. To be fair to issue 2 it really took issue 1 and actually down scaled it to a suitable fuel to light a real fire. All the swear words in the world just cover up a hack writer at the bottom of the sludge pile. The saving grace for him was the artist who let's be honest should finish up his felt tip packet soon enough and get back to the day job of being in kindergarten. Sorry this is an insult to most people's intelligence and if you are enjoying it well done you.

Harley Quinn (2021) #39

May 21, 2024

Unfortunately I'm probably not the target market for a comic like this but I did try to read it and not going to lie , I gave up before my will to live deserted me. I love cartoons and as a Darkwing Duck and Negaduck fan I thought badly to myself this would be fun. Sorry but this was the worst comic I have read in forever and by the time I finally put it down it got me to wondering who the target market actually was. The art is simple to blah , the script makes no sense , the speech is a labour to read and the whole idea this should exist at all makes me wish to be an editor as I would have took this muddle of crap and dispatched it into the nearest garbage bin. On a lighter note it does save me $4.99 next month..... JM

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