Caro's Profile

Joined: Jan 02, 2015

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S.H.I.E.L.D. (2014) #1

Jan 2, 2015

The Good First issues can be tricky. The pressure is on for the creative team to prove that they are worth another look. Mark Waid comes out of the gate full force with S.H.I.E.L.D #1. Making fan favorite Agent Coulson the main star of the issue is a smart move to draw in fans of the movies and tv series. Using a great balance of humor and action, Waid makes the battles seem relevant to these characters and not simply reactionary. I was originally concerned about this being more for fans of the tv series or for fans of the comics, but it did not take long to see that this was made with both in mind and works. And can I say how great it is to see Valkary again! Carlos Pacheco and the art team are a nice fit for the title bringing solid work. A photo realistic look would be easy to do with an already established tv series, but the consistently strong art with lack of over detail is something I appreciated. Pacheco catches Clark Gregg's Agent Coulson in a great way. The Bad Since I enjoyed the issue it's more of a nitpick to say I would have liked it to be more about S.H.I.E.L.D. I'm left wondering what kind of role will SH.I.E.L.D. play in this world. It's hard to tell with just one issue where Waid plans to take this. Are we going to get something that's more on the character development side like his "Daredevil" or something that's more on the action side like his "Incredible Hulk"? Personally, I'm a fan of Waid's work but think he shines when he dives into the character's emotional side. While Pacheco did a great job making Coulson look like Clark Gregg Fitz, Simmons and May look a little stock image. I would love to see more to identify them in future issues. The Comical Helper monkeys! And do I sense a little resentment towards lady-Thor from Valkary? Well? I had high hopes for this book and was not disappointed. Felt like Waid was given the keys to the toy store and is going to have fun playing. Glad we get to go along for the adventure.

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