johnavenger's Profile

Joined: May 15, 2016

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stupid twist that doesn't make sense, maybe they could redeem it by having Cap destroy Hydra within or maybe it was something Kobik did too Cap.

Fear Itself #7 Mar 6, 2017

won't match what the first Civil War did and this just feels like a cash grab series. #0 is a decent intro and is slowly setting up Civil War II but its really choppy and i didn't feel any great tension building.

Its not amazing for a Batman book but it lays down the elements for the future. Calendar Man is really cool but i don't understand the ending with the avocados.

Very little too do with whats going on, poor art work but overall it serves the purpose to introduce some new interesting characters

Very surprisingly mysterious and shows how Hyperion is struggling to decide what he is in the world but Doll is really annoying and i don't care for her.

Captain America: Steve Rogers #2 Jul 5, 2016

better than the first but still doesn't feel like its the event its being sold for, it doesn't feel like heavy ramifications or consequences are about to happen. there is no heavy tension building up, and some of these inhuman characters are extremely boring imo. ulysses is absolutely a bleh character

Nothing new, Nighthawk is basically the punisher fighting for human rights. the art and writing is meh and bleh, but still i find intrigue in Nighthawk.

It's not a bad book overall but it does little to show that this is an ensemble comic book and the development is not great. To be kept up with the story you have to read the Avengers Standoff series and Thunderbolts #1 focuses more on the fallout of that event rather than develop and introduce new fans to the pinnacle heart of the Thunderbolts, it is a new take on them so there is room for growth.

A decent finale for a good but not great series

Entertaining but not Amazing

Fear Itself #2 Mar 6, 2017

Hyperion #3 is way better than #2, finally we know who's the villain and what the whole deal with Doll and her backstory is making her a less annoying character.

Punisher (2016) #1 May 31, 2016

Its great to see Uncanny Avengers back on track after it got messed up a bit by Avengers Standoff, its also awesome to see Hank Pym back!

pretty damn good, interesting how they integrate the watchmen characters into the DCU, but i don't think this reboot will match the New 52 reboot

Awesome way to tie Deadpool into the world of the mystic arts, but this book lacked some Doctor Strange

This issue really seems to build for a huge epic finale that seems like Doctor strange will sacrifice it all to save magic

Not much happens but its very relevant to today, the racial tension and on going internal conflict. Nighthawk really needs something that can distinct it from Batman comics because they really haven't. Tho i am very excited with the character of the revelator

Frank castle is just brutal

The Imperator's origins was the great reveal, his motivations make sense and than they show his brutality right after they try to sympathize with his character. Also seeing Doctor Strange the sorcerer supreme hopeless and unknowing of what to do is interesting.

None of the following issues matched the quality of the first great issue

this new issue really makes you think to whether Marc is crazy or not, is everything even happening? is it all in his imagination? The only problem is the story which is a little weak.

That was pretty awesome!! the best issue of the series so far

What a step up in my opinion, they really finally have started to kick on this series. this is definitely the best issue of the series imo

This book is awesome!! The dark, mysterious, and Gritty atmosphere really set the tone for the series and Black Bolt's character itself. Blackagar Boltagon is in the right hands!!! Can't wait for #2!!!

Incredible introduction to one of the best Marvel comics series, It changes the way you truly view Thanos for the good and bad

I’ve never read such a beautifully complex X-Men comic in my life. It perfectly explains the current stats quo and landscape the X-Men are living in. The art is very visually appealing and the amount of references to House of M and the past 20 years of X-Men history is a win in the nostalgia department. Another thing this first issue masterfully pulls off is how interactive the comic is. It truly grasps the reader and engagingly locks the reader into the story. I can’t wait to learn more about where this is going.

After how terrible Civil War 2 was and how underwhelming Avengers Standoff was, I'm surprised to say that Secret Empire #1 is Great. This is an excellent start to an event that has been under some controversial fire. You feel like something is about to happen in the story, the intensity and drama developing is magnificent and it roots back to Marvel's steady building to the event. As terrible and underwhelming previous events were, Secret Empire makes them feel meaningful. The ending of Civil WAr 2 now has a greater impact and everything that occurred during Avengers Standoff begins to make sense and the seeds that were layed being to fruit. Steve Rogers turn to Hydra has a lot of backstory and explanation in the solo Steve Rogers series and those who keep up know the backdrop and context of the situation so theres no need to burn comics over it. This is one of the best Marvel comics this year and I'm eagerly anticipating Secret Empire #2

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