sharialmond's Profile

Joined: Feb 02, 2017

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A.D.: After Death #1

Feb 4, 2017

despite other poor reviews and my own unsure feelings i've had towards this book in the beginning, my thoughts are finally concluded. one word to describe this book is 'interesting' it's real different, probably different from any other comic book i've ever read simply because it's hardly even a comic book at all. it's basically like a an illustrated short story with a few comic book type panels and dialogue scattered throughout. even though at the beginning of the book i hated it not because it was shit but because i felt like 'this isn't how it's meant to be' but after i overcame that and questioned myself as to why i felt like that, i realised that these guys are doing something different, they're pushing the boundaries of how comic books should be. the story is really interesting and will hit you on a personal level. i'm looking forward to seeing what will happen at the end of this three part series and curious to see where this will take us. i'd recommend this book to anyone who is without a closed mind and is also looking for something completely different from anything that's currently out there

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