InsanePeasant's Profile

Joined: Jan 16, 2019

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Overall Rating

Nice to see Brainiac 5 in Superman, but this issue is still pretty weak to me. Im just not a fan of the art, and the Jon/Conner meeting was disappointing. Also the dialogue is kinda bad. Will probably drop after this issue. Btw, I read that Matt Lloyd review and this site didn’t use the right score on it. No making a thing of it, just trying to be helpful.

Maybe they'll explain later but really poor use of continuity in this series. How is Earth 3 still a thing? Probably the same reason why Superman trusted his unhinged father after the Oz Effect. "because bendis."

great art, unfortunately the story continues to be an overly long mess.

Action Comics (2016) #1007 Jan 30, 2019

Wow, way to ruin all 3 Kents in one story Bendis. It's one thing to completely squander Jon Kent as character, but having Lois and Clark effectively ruin their only son's life by abandoning him in space with a murderous madman?? 1/10, this is as bad as OMD, maybe worse.

Superman (2018) #8 Feb 13, 2019
Superman (2018) #14 Oct 8, 2019
Superman (2018) #15 Oct 8, 2019
Superman (2018) #16 Oct 8, 2019

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