CharlieRock's Profile

Joined: Aug 15, 2014

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Overall Rating

Just about undoes all the cool points this character built since New 52 debut.

Is it over yet?

While technically proficient it hasn't lived up to the characters full potential yet. There is a treasure trove of great stories in the "Others" ...

Seems like an old X-Men story with intra-team conflict coming to the forefront of the plot. A tad stale but with good art.

Okay, I'm lost ... how did we end up in space? Why is Ragman and Clayface here? Last I read we were dealing with a vampire ...

Better then Nocenti's entire run. But changes may be too late for this series.

All the fun was in the back-page "Jack of Fables" story.

This series really needs to allow three seperate ratings. The GL origin was passable (I'd give it a C- on a report card). The Batwoman origin was excellent (and helpful since she hasn't exactly had an origin story since New 52 came out). Trevor McCarthy is a maestro with the art. Red Robin's origin ... the less said the better. Definitely brings the overall rating of the entire issue down a couple points.

Mera's story was okay, Cyborg's was nice but I think the character has enough potential to warrant a solo series not just an "origin". Red Hood's was confusing.

A little low on the cerebral end storywise but enjoyable enough for fans of the series.

Aquaman (2011) #35 Nov 2, 2014

Same great story but art seems to have been better in other issues.

Two of my favorite JLAers together for a team-up adventure. Ties off some loose story strings as well as setting up a possible new arc in the future. Very glad to see the WW/Mera team-up in the back up story with especially amazing art by Martinez.

Decent art and amiable story.

Cyborgs, car chases, and more Machiavellian villainy from Cobra Commander.

Good stuff for old school fans.

Classical fantasy with familiar characters. Decent art.

Art was fairly decent but story was above average. Looking forward to Eternity War.

Great big action! Itty bitty story.

So far, so good. Decent enough I'll keep with the series for a few more issues and see where it all leads.

The art is awesome, and always has been with this title. Whether it was Jim Lee, Ivan Reis, or Doug Mahnke they can all do some geart stuff. Storywise I get tired of the great build-ups that never deliver. Trinity War, Forever Evil, etc. seems like they always start out good and the poof-out into a cloud of what could have been. And along the way crossover into all kinds of other titles. This current Doom Patrol/Superwoman plot seems like more of the same.

A two-parter! Did not see that coming in this series. Still enjoyable.

Very fun to read.

No! Why did they have to kill ******?!

Classic superhero fare.

Love the direction this story is taking.

Story should focus a little more, but otherwise pretty good, and really good art.

Sort of confusing at the end of this issue, but still a good adventure. If #4 sheds light on the situation in #3 then I will revisit my '8' rating to a higher one.

If you've been missing Adora she is prominently guesting in this issue. I was surprised at her shock after witnessing her big brother's power against those Horde shock troops. But then again I guess she never really stood back and watched him take on some bad guys. But is that last emotion playing on her face fore-shadowing or am I just reading too much into it? Overall I'd say this title has more then nostalgia going for it and has a decent epic/fantasy story arc going on.

Slow burn start, great art.

Lady Zorro #3 Nov 2, 2014

A sci-fi police procedural mixed in with political thriller. The story is fast-paced but exposition sequences felt smoothly integrated enough to follow along. I'm starting to really enjoy it after the slow start from previous issues. Very intelligent.

A good sci-fi story. Art style (almost a cgi/animated looking style) has yet to catch me though.

Fairly dense sci-fi story. With new wave art style. I'll check out the next series as well.

I jumped on this series just for this one issue. Jed Dougherty draws really well and the story seemed like a self-contained episode/one-shot that I actually enjoyed. It's not in mainstream continuity but was entertaining.

A little slower paced then issue #1 but brings the plot.

Good issue for character background but literally no progress in the main story.

Fun characters and good art for superhero story.

Great series

Nail biting thriller on a par with Taken (the movie).

Story is pretty good with good art.

The hostage rescue mission with Alpine, Long Range, Muskrat, and Torpedo ends this issue. You'll also see Lifticket, Rock'n'Roll, and Wild Bill. Also a CG 'conference' with Cobra Commander and Dr. Mindbender promising sinister things to come. No real surprises here but good ol' action all over the place.

Supernatural street vigilante! And the art is cool.

You know Groo, and this is good stuff.

Huge battle issue with good art.

My favorite Psi-Judge visits my favorite future city: Texas City! Bring on the cowboy hat wearing Judges.

My favorite JL title for now. Feels fresh and compelling with decent art. I'm really enjoying the new take on older characters.

Finale seemed a bit rushed but the art overall was decent. I think I will skip the half dozen or so spin-offs as they will not have the same creative team.

Art was decent enough and the story line was pretty good.

Pretty interesting.

Love the show, like the book. The writers do a decent job of translating the on-screen personas to page. Art seems consistant with character designs from the show and otherwise does a decent job of conveying the action. The best part of this book, imho, is the re-telling of the original Eastman/Laird TMNT origin story using Lego figures. This issue presents part 3. A nice touch on a classic story.

Atlantean political intrigue, mad scientists, rampaging monsters, all drawn rather well. What's not to love here.

Although the story matter isn't cutting edge (old heroes deal with age issues) it was handled really well. And the art was pretty decent.

Great art!

Very well written and dripping with character insight. Art may take a minute to get used to but later on seems natural.

C.O.W.L. #7 Mar 22, 2015
C.O.W.L. #8 Mar 22, 2015

Turning into a classic before my very eyes!

Great conclusion, and introduction of a new threat.

This is a great start for a mini-series.

Builds suspense and looks awesome

Intriguing concept and awesome art.

Great art and a pretty good story.

Great art.

Looks like Jim Zub has another fun title going here. And Max Dunbar is making the art sparkle.

Story has me entranced and the art is pretty good to boot. Can feel the tension of the plot building to a climax.

The kind of story that makes you sit back and wonder, "hmm" afterwards. Great food for thought. Nice art, too.

A Ciceros origin story!

Plot just full of intrigue. And just enough action. Decent art

Solid adventure storytelling with decent art.

I like Von Ghastly as a villain. He is one of those Horror Show Hosts of yesteryear. I remember as a kid hiding behind the couch from them in fear yet having too much fun to change the channel. The writing is solid. I've only read this series since #5 and already identify with and care about the characters. It can swerve from humorous to adrenalised action to gory shock rather smoothly. The art looks very good. Not just the cover. I hate when the cover (done by Jenny Frison)looks so good but the interior looks like it was better off left on the editor's floor. In this issue I think both the cover and the interior hold up well. The only improvement I would want to see is more interaction between the main characters. As a newer reader I want to get to know these people well and while some time was devoted to that this issue (and the last) I felt another page would have been awesome. Unfortunately I can't find an action page that we could sack for another page of dialogue. So I guess I'll just have to wait for next months issue.

This issue got a little heavy. But the art was cool, and the story was still great.

Everything a great looking supernatural vigilante comic should be!

Off to a great start!

My only complaint is the cover of this particular issue is a little on the bland side.

A good ending to a great story. The build-up from previous issues (introducing each new artisan) was well orchestrated with a crescendo climax. Walter Geovani does pretty good as the artist.

An older, more experienced Red Sonja then what I am used to, but well written and good art.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutanimals #1 Mar 31, 2015

Whoa! The Turtles meet a human Hamato Yoshi in the past ... but do they screw up their own future or save it? Is Saki fated to be an evil douche or is there a chance to redeem him? Last time I read a story arc involving Turtles and Renet the Earth-born pig, Cerebus, was involved ... maybe we will see how they REALLY became turtles.

A good ending to a great run! Wish it could last longer.

Best comic this month!

Reading this made me think of that old TV Show Kolchak the Night Stalker. But with a Bat as the lead character. Great looking art.

Just keeps getting better.

Good story, good art. I love Roberson's take on a favorite character. A grand finale!

I really like Doc Savage's sister Pat was really happy to see her be the focus of an adventure. She is too little used and could be a great character.

Hope this series spawns a sequel!

Great art and story.

Super cute and heart warming.

Very good.

Hitting it's stride fully.

A very satisfying series. I will look for more new stuff from Megan Levens in the future.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #43 Mar 31, 2015

Awesome ending!

One of the best spin-off minis from TMNT yet, and I really liked the others as well.

The reason to read comics.

One of the best stories with pretty good art.

Can't wait for the next series!

This is absolutely superior in story and art to Trinity War or Forever Evil. A Superboy with an interesting origin that ties into the current plot, an evil Justice League with believable motives, crisp action that frees itself from the boundaries of the panels, a storyline I don't have to crossover to titles I've never wanted. And a sinister plot is hatched between two of the most powerful (potentially) forces in the universe (or the next)... just awesome!

This series is awesome! It genuinely feels like a continuation of the animated series with the style and look of the art while the writing updates each character with a new level of maturity one would expect with the passage of time.

My all time favorite Batman series.

Decent art, but the story will pull you in.

It's a battle of the minds. Captain Midnight's inventions are used against him. Great story with good artwork. Agent Jones remains my favorite support character but there may be deep plot seeds here coming out of Charlotte Ryan as well.

I'm loving every page of this issue and the entire series. Just awesome!

I Was The Cat #1 Nov 24, 2014

This is what I wanted from a comic book: Adventure, great art, loveable characters, villainous bad guys. Great stuff.

Booster Gold + Blue Beetle = Awesome!

Great stuff

Possibly the best DC comic out today.

A character revelation that I was expecting but still eager to see. Awesome story and art. Plus, more reasons to hate the bad guys.

Great art, and a genuinely deep story that gets more involved with each new revelation. The concept may be old as sci-fi itself but never feels tired in this title.

A great fantasy tale with intrigue, mystery, and action in equal blends. The only thing I'd add would be more pages, but I guess I can just wait for the next issue to come out instead.

I liked the ending for this arc.

Very intelligent with a quirky, magnificent look. I cannot wait for each new issue. I wish there was a tradeback already.

Princess Ugg #3 Nov 24, 2014
Princess Ugg #4 Nov 24, 2014
Princess Ugg #5 Nov 24, 2014

May be one of the best comics this year.

One of the best comics out now.

Oh, how I wish these volumes were endless. Everything about this series is awesome!

Awesome action, and an interesting story behind Captain America.

I didn't follow Secret Wars and it wasn't actually necessary to enjoy this series.

I love the artwork!

Wow! Bebop, Rocksteady, Old Hobb, Turtles, mix and blend for one cool showdown.

My only complaint is that it had a last page. One of the ones you want to go on and on.

I loved it! The writer did the old Ghostbusters title and has an awesome feel for the characters. And I really liked the way the artist interpreted the Turtles appearances. This is a dream-come-true crossover.

Too awesome! Great art and story.

Finally, we see what makes Baby Zeke so special! I thought Orion was shafted in his spotlight moment but oh well. The story rolls on with epic momentum! And we see why Hera was the Queen of the gods for so long. Great story, great art. Loving every page of it.

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