Holy F*cked #2

Writer: Nick Marino Artist: Daniel Arruda Massa Publisher: Action Lab Comics Release Date: October 14, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5
7.2Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

We're serving up a piping hot pile of excitement as a mild-mannered dinner party turns deadly!

Jesus and Satan are hosting Maria and her new lover, Thanatos, over for an evening of camaraderie and conversation. But Thanatos isn't actually Thanatos... he's Hercules! And he wants to kill Jesus.

Plus... introducing the righteous might of The New Apostles!

  • 8.5
    Graphic Policy - Monique Oct 25, 2015

    Overall, this is a great continuation from the first issue and I still hope to be reading more of these in the near future. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Comic Crusaders - Dawn of Comics Oct 16, 2015

    Such a fun book. The simple art makes it easy to enjoy and the idea of Jesus and Satan having a baby made me chuckle. Satans baby shower panel has a few hidden gems. The giant penis with a vagina is both hilarious and gross. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    Word Of The Nerd - Harry Roachford Oct 13, 2015

    If you like your comics to be kooky and fun then Marino and Massa have definitely created the right comic for you. Despite the fact that a comic about Jesus and Satan being a couple with a baby on the way could be viewed harshly by more severe Christians, it's incredibly difficult not to see this comic as just plain fun. The characters all have a huge amount of life, you actually find yourself caring about Satans pregnancy and you'll definitely be in and out of stitches for the majority of this issue. Especially when you have Satan griping about the fact the bad guy ran through the wall and the fact that he still wants cake. It's a strange idea, but it's definitely an original one. Marino and Massa are bound to annoy some holy people but the other people will be sobusy laughing that they won't even notice. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Steven E. Paugh Oct 14, 2015

    Saying that, I still love this art, and the way Arruda Massa and Marino are able to work together to undermine an all-ages style with sexual blasphemy (great name for their band) is particularly unique and well received. With the fate of the bastard child of cosmic order in the balance, and the story of righteous vengeance at play between perhaps history's two most famous divine sons further unfurling, I'm looking forward to where in the bluest of hells this book is leading; and perhaps more importantly, how in the holy f*uck it's going to get there. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    First Comics News - Richard Vasseur Oct 14, 2015

    A big huge fight is on the way. This issue just wets your appetite for it. Read Full Review

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