Oblivion #2

Writer: Tim Seeley Artist: Romina Moranelli Publisher: Action Lab Comics Release Date: August 24, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2
6.7Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

A sequel to the acclaimed Full Moon space western that introduced the world to "cowboys and aliens!" The backwater planet Oblivion has fallen on hard times, but everything's about to get harder for Marshall Zack Stone with the arrival of Lyz Azorr, the daughter of notorious outlaw, RED EYE!

  • 7.4
    Comic Crusaders - Lead Sharp Aug 23, 2016

    It's still head and shoulders above most of the nonsense out there, I'd certainly read another issue but considering this was written by someone with this level of prestige (I assume it's the same Tim Seeley) the rest of the Lab is showing him how it's done.3.7/5 Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Wilson Taylor Aug 17, 2016

    If the characters were simply a little more fun to be around, it would get a recommendation out of me. If I felt as though the characters had something to accomplish other than, so far, nothing, then I would give it a recommendation. I don't have a reason to be compelled to pick up the next issue. If there's something that Oblivion gives you that I'm not getting, then by all means pick it up, it's a vast improvement on issue #1. But until I figure out why someone would want to continue besides pure nerd-appeal, which I totally get but don't believe to be a selling point, then I'm going to have to give it a solid, resounding “lukewarm.” Read Full Review

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