Exit Generation #1
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Exit Generation #1

Writer: Sam Read Artist: Caio Oliveira Publisher: Comix Tribe Release Date: September 23, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 11
7.4Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

It's 2055. Ninety percent of the world's population have abandoned a resource-depleted Earth in search of a better home in the cosmos. Those left behind find themselves in an unexpected paradise - and Jack is bored out of his mind. He dreams of action inspired by 80's movies and punk rock. But when a legion of carnivorous aliens arrive, Jack learns you should be careful what you wish for! Featuring covers by Ramon Villalobos (E is for Extinction) and connecting variants by Joe Mulvey (SCAM), Exit Generation is a breakneck sci-fi adventure!

  • 10
    Pop Culture Uncovered - John A. Sep 9, 2015

    Exit Generation #1 is the best kind of first issue a reader could hope for, as it is quick to establish setting, plot and character in balance. Too often one is favored over the other in hopes to get the story started and often results in an uneven book, where either the characters are fully realized and the concept isn't, or vice versa. Read and Oliveira have an uphill battle to fight to continue this level of storytelling over the next three issues of this mini, but after this first installment, I'm in for the ride. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comicsverse - Danny Rivera Sep 22, 2015

    With one of the best-written introductions I've ever read and confident, sharp execution, it's a masterful debut and a title to which we should all be paying very, very close attention. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Spartantown - Enrique Rea Sep 24, 2015

    'Exit Generation' is off to a great start with intriguing characters, an explosive cliffhanger, and fantastic storytelling potential. It's worth adding to your pull list to see what happens next. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson Sep 21, 2015

    Overall, this is an extremely promising start, not just to this tale but to Sam Reads writing career as a whole.   Kudos to ComixTribe for realising the potential in this particular story, and for helping to offer it up to the worldwide market.  Simply put, Exit Generation is a raucous, frenetic dose of sci-fi insanity with some genuine emotion at its core.   Also, and I cant stress this enough, those first six pages are absolutely worth the cover price alone, given how truly beautiful they are in their storytelling simplicity. This is a new series which is definitely worth getting your hands on, folks. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Jeff Marsick Sep 28, 2015

    While the unanswered questions are intriguing enough for me to want to return for the next chapter, the book feels at times like it's trying to find a tone by switching from serious in some places to a little B-movie silly in others. Still, it's a fun book and a great read by a terrific writer and artist combination. If you're reading Saga, then you'll want to add this to your list, too. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Sep 23, 2015

    Exit Generation is an interesting debut overall. I like the concepts, I'm just not completely sold on the end result. It might have been due to high expectations set by Read's Find, but I found the first issue of Exit Generation to be good, just not great. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    ComicBuzz - StephenFn Sep 25, 2015

    This opening issue has its issues with heavy exposition and mild tonal whiplash yet it is full great ideas and is a worthy setup for a fun adventure. It's definitely worth keeping with seeing if it recovers from these early missteps. Overall, a good issue with a lot of further potential for the ongoing series. Read Full Review

  • 6.1
    Multiversity Comics - James Johnston Nov 15, 2013

    Really, "Exit Generation" is hardly a bad comic, but it's one that definitely holds a lot of potential. Who knows? This issue may only just set up the story and follow more on the premise later. However, if the ending is any indication, future issues will give more focus to the whole alien invasion plot rather than exploring Post-Exit Earth. Read and Oliveira have a genuinely unique premise with the world they put their story in, and it would serve them much better to flesh it out than to go down a generic alien invasion story. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Kevin Beckham Jan 6, 2014

    Basically Exit Generation is off to a good start and is worth checking out. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Nerdly - Dean Fuller Sep 16, 2015

    This is a really decent start for what looks to be a comic with a good premise, a well developed back story, and a group of characters that will develop as the plot progresses. Sci-fi with a unique viewpoint and a dash of humour should never be discouraged, so I look forward to seeing where Issue 2 takes both Jack and the reader. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall Sep 26, 2015

    Ultimately, there's an interesting idea built into the tag-line “Earth…The Final Buffet”, but readers will need to wait until future issues to see it realized. A lot of this issue was set-up to allow us to get to the arrival of the more “in your face” arrival of the alien race that is an analog to the Kanamits from the classic “To Serve Man” episode of Twilight Zone. They're not trying to deceive anyone for more than a few minutes, but at least we get some great dialog filled with food-related terms when the lead alien initiates first contact with the humans. For me, this is a story that will likely read better in collected edition format so the meat of the story (pun not intended, though it's an appropriate one) doesn't seem so out of balance with the set up. Read Full Review

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