Action Comics #867

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Gary Frank Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 9, 2008 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 10
9.8Critic Rating
9.2User Rating

In "Brainiac" Part 2 of 5, Brainiac arrives in Earth's orbit as the specter of death begins to close in on Superman. The Man of Steel has fought Brainiac many times before, but he's utterly unprepared for his old foe this time. And if that weren't enough, thousands of invader probes have been launched with the sole mission of destroying all technology on Earth! Dramatic changes are ahead for Superman, and it all starts with this attack!

  • 10
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Jul 10, 2008

    Not sure why Brainiac's probes became weaklings or what's going on with this the lack of knowledge about Kandor, but I still enjoyed this issue a great deal and can't wait to see the next one. Excellent use of supporting characters, specifically Supergirl, and a nice proactive approach by Superman combined with this creepy new version of Brainiac have me enthralled with the current storyline. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Joey Davidson Jul 13, 2008

    If youre an Action Comics fan, issue #867 will more than likely leave you happy and excited. For those who are new like me, dive in. Johns is a wonderful storyteller, and personally, I look forward to where he takes Superman next. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Erik Norris Jul 13, 2008

    Part Two of "Brainiac" once again delivers everything I could ask for in a Superman comic. I got action, character development, a great Daily Planet office sequence (Lombard is hilarious), and a kick-ass cliffhanger that, once again, makes Brainiac menacing without actually doing anything. I can't wait till Superman comes face to face with his foe and sees how truly horrible the real Brainiac is. The cover image to next months issue seemingly indicates I dont have long to wait. If you aren't picking up Action Comics, please do. As far as superhero books go, this is one of the best. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Christopher Power Jul 13, 2008

    It is seldom these days that I give comic books perfect ratings. While this book is not pushing the boundaries the way that Final Crisis is in terms of deeper meanings and subtext, it is a beautifully rendered book with powerful moments. Your mileage may vary. I've read the issue several times, and maybe I am being overly sentimental from being back in Canada, but I have enjoyed it very much. Johns managed to take a lot of tired, old ideas about Superman and write them with respect and passion that is rare these days in comic books. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Powers Jul 13, 2008

    I absolutely love this issue, I love this story, and I love the Superman mythos-centric approach Johns takes to this title. Next to Green Lantern this is DC's best title. It's free of big events, and it's truly all about Superman. What's even better is that this is DC's flagship title and now the quality seems to be rising to levels where it should always be. Johns is one of the best superhero writers in the game, especially amongst the icons of DC. I hope and pray that he takes over Batman in addition to Action and Green Lantern because this stuff is just so good. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    IGN - Dan Phillips Jul 9, 2008

    The art of Gary Frank elevates Johns' already fantastic story to entirely new heights, and I'm very close to calling this the finest work Frank has shown in his long career. Frank's ability to capture creepy and unsettling images is perfectly suited for a Brainiac story, and his action scenes are explosively dynamic. He does fall into the regular trap of drawing Supergirl like a porn star, and I'd still prefer if he didn't draw Superman exactly like Christopher Reeve, but hot damn this is a beautiful comic book. Between Frank and Ivan Reis, Johns has nearly cornered the market of comics' most talented pencillers. And between Green Lantern and now Action Comics, he also has two of the very best superhero comics on the stands to his credit. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J. Montes Jul 14, 2008

    I never thought I'd be buying Action Comics on a regular basis, but this is the first time I've done it since Superman's death back in 1993. If that's not saying something, I don't know what is. Read Full Review

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