Batman / Superman #31

Event\Storyline: The Final Days of Superman Writer: Peter J. Tomasi Artist: Jaime Mendoza, Doug Mahnke Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 13, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 20 User Reviews: 19
8.2Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

In part two of Super League, Superman enlists Batmans aid in seeking out people that can help form his new super-league. A shocking discovery is made about a new super-being no one knew existed, and something is beginning to stalk Superman...

  • 10
    Comicosity - Doug Zawisza Apr 15, 2016

    There is plenty of passion, heart and characterization in Batman/Superman #31, from Batman's first observation of Superman's eyes to the conversation between the two heroes as they fend off their attackers. Every decision Tomasi makes informs the readers and underscores the history shared by the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight Detective. The second installment of this adventure begins to outline the subplots and advance the plot, but also reminds readers why Superman is super and what adventures should be like when Superman and Batman team up. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Apr 15, 2016

    I think this arc is basically setting up the new Superman books. Yes, Supergirl is in National City. But we know Yang's New Superman is a Chinese citizen imbued with Superman's powers. This has to spring from the villain's lab and these Superman avatars. And is this how Lois Lane becomes Superwoman? Most of all, this continued to read like a classic Superman book, the sort of book most Superman fans want to read. No monstrous mutations, no lack of powers, no floating aloofness, no torturing helpless villains. He wants to do good. He loves his family and friends. He wants to make sure the planet will remain safe. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicsverse - Fabio Castelblanco Apr 14, 2016

    So far I'm really enjoying Tomasi'sfinal run of the new 52 Superman before DC's Rebirth.I recommend thisissue and this entire arc for anyone who is a new 52 Superman fan, or a just a fan of Superman in general. Mahnkeprovides some fantastic artwork in both theemotions of the characters and the action sequences.Tomasi is laying groundwork for a very entertaining story, which has plenty of mystery that promises to lead to something bigger. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Apr 13, 2016

    Actions scenes are fun and exciting, a new mysterious character is revealed, and the plot thickens with tantalizing developments. Sounds like a nice second chapter in a miniseries if I do say so myself! Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Apr 13, 2016

    Peter Tomasi keeps giving fans the Superman they've been begging for even as he sets up his grim future.  I know we are only two issues in, but Super League is already one of my favorite Superman stories since the New 52 started and that isn't a back handed compliment! At this point in the crossover, Tomasi is still dealing out questions, but the issue ends with a cliffhanger that will have a lot of fans super happy.  However, the thing I still like best of all is having "my" ("our"?) Superman back the way I (we?) love him. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    The Broken Infinite - Frank Rodriguez Apr 21, 2016

    As we races to the end of “The Final Days of Superman,” Tomasi sets the stage well for many things to come with Rebirth while highlighting the important things in Clark's life. Manke's art never looked better as Mendoza's inks & Quintana's colors bring out the best in it. We got great development for both Clark and Bruce as they discuss getting things in order and a conversation between two best friends as one is learning he's about to lose the other. This was a bit of an emotional, thrilling and sobering issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Multiversity Comics - Keith Dooley Apr 15, 2016

    "Batman/Superman" #31 is an exquisite distillation of Batman and Superman's complex relationship while, at the same time, advancing a story that is guaranteed to have an impact on the Man of Steel in June. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Loukas Apr 22, 2016

    To whom do you turn when there is a universe to weave? In whom do you trust when the strands of story and character and strategy must be carefully plaited together? For DC Entertainment the answer is Peter Tomasi. As editor and writer Tomasi has occasionally made questionable choices, as when he had Batman travel to Apokalips and retrieve the body of his son by literally punching Darkseid in the face. But Tomasi is perhaps the greatest master of continuity DC has, barring only Geoff Johns, and as theRebirthof the DCU approaches his is the logical hand to guide the Superman books toward the crisis point. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComiConverse - Kyle King Apr 16, 2016

    This adventure captures the characters, sets the stage, and advances the plot in effective fashion. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Joseph Apr 13, 2016

    I will again advise you not to skip this issue. Come for the status quo altering crossover and stay for Batman if you must. Be sure to come back next week when the story continues in Action Comics #51. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Apr 13, 2016

    But ultimately, it's ironic that in his final days, Superman winds up sounding more true to himself than he has in quite some time, and that's a big compliment to Tomasi and company. Watching the World's Finest duo team up and face their own mortality is a great bit of characterization in an industry that all-too-often focuses on the short-term stunts rather than the long-term readability. While there might be plenty of big books out this week, you'd do well not to overlook Batman/Superman. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Steven Brown May 13, 2016

    Batman/Superman #31 is good read. “Dark Discovery” really shows us the friendship that Superman and Batman have and also Bruce's desire to keep all of his friends and family safe–even if it's impossible. We also see Batman's new suit showed off in this issue, which I completely love by the way. It stays traditional and tactical while adding some color that really helps it stand out. I really like it. I'm looking forward to reading the next issue of Batman/Superman–you should too!!! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Wednesday Comics - Garrett Walz Apr 27, 2016

    This is not as fantastic as Superman #51, but for the second part of a very interesting story, the emotion impact is still there as we are truly witnessing the last days of Superman. Tomasi is able to keep the momentum from the first issue going and not losing a beat by switching from one great artist to another. As a Superman fan, I am so excited for what this story is offering and only get more excited for each issue of this story. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Apr 14, 2016

    Though audiences have had their fill of the versus aspect of Batman and Superman's relationship, Batman/Superman #31 shows that they are at the strongest when they work together. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - John McCubbin Apr 15, 2016

    Batman/Superman #31 may not move the “Super League” crossover forward much, but nevertheless it was a fun, exciting issue. Giving us a warm, yet emotional exchange of words between Clark and Bruce, as well as some explosive action, the creative team did more than enough to please me, with the twist near the end leaving me eager for next week's installment of this crossover. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Batman-News - Brian Warshaw Apr 15, 2016

    It's not as strong as last week'sSuperman #51, butBatman/Superman #31 is a good read and and a very good second installment in Tomasi's two-month event. Another strong showing from Superman, excellent work by Mahnke and Quintana, and enough mystery and foreboding to propel us into the next chapter make this one a must-read. If you haven't already, pick it up and check it out. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 14, 2016

    It's ironic that it took a story about Superman confronting his imminent death for the character to finally regain the hope, optimism and decency he's so often lacked in the New 52. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Apr 15, 2016

    "Batman/Superman" #31 moves this last big "New 52" Superman story forward in a positive way, even as it reassures readers that the first chapter wasn't a fluke. The "Superman" titles are going out swinging for the fences, and Tomasi, Mahnke, Mendoza and Quintana continue to succeed in "Batman/Superman" #31. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Dark Knight News - John Hagmann Apr 16, 2016

    Batman/Superman #31 is a good read that would have been enhanced if given a heads-up in the previous issue. I can only assume reading Part 1 would alleviate some of the plot gaps regular readers might experience. Having Superman deal with cancer is poignant on many levels. Most Americans can relate to courageous struggles malignant cells " either themselves or vicariously through someone the know and love. May this story bring hope! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Batman Universe - Tyler Saldaa Apr 13, 2016

    I did not read Superman #51 nor did have any idea going into this book that I was about to read part two in essentially a Superman mini-series by Tomasi and Co. There are definitely components to this arc that I still have no idea whats going on. Having said that, overall, I found the book enjoyable. Tomasis story somewhat caught my interest but was drawn further in by Mahnke and his art teams visual storytelling. After reading this book, I found myself asking if Im compelled to pick up Action Comics #51, the book that contains part three of this arc. As of right now, Im still unsure. Read Full Review

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