Batman / The Shadow #1
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Batman / The Shadow #1

Writer: Scott Snyder, Steve Orlando Artist: Riley Rossmo Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 26, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 31 User Reviews: 14
8.5Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

Two of history's greatest vigilantes are reunited at last! Murder has come to Gotham City, and Lamont Cranston appears to be the culprit...but he's been dead for over fifty years! Batman will go to the ends of the Earth to unravel the mystery of Cranston's life, but the mysterious Shadow will do everything in his power to stop him from learning too much...
The superstar team of writers Scott Snyder and Steve Orlando and artist Riley Rossmo brings you a dark and twisty modern noir like nothing you've seen before, with a brand-new villain unlike any either hero has faced! This is the unmissable crime series of 2017, so get on board now! Co- more

  • 10
    Comicosity - Mexi Gremillion Apr 26, 2017

    I cant say how much I recommend reading this. Buy it. Buy it, buy it, buy it, steal it from your friend or borrow it from your older sibling, because this is a fantastic comic and everyone should be reading it. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny "The Machine" Hughes May 2, 2017

    Readers of my reviews and listeners ofThe Definitive Crusade podcast,should know a few things about me by know. Fishnets rock, I am the DC Jeopardy king and I love both Batman and The Shadow. With a crossover like this,the temptation is to over critique as expectations are not normally met. Where this book is different, is that whilst my expectations were not met; they were surpassed. I would urge anyone who feels that current comic books rely on events too much to go and pick up this old school book, with two old school characters, created for the old school reader. Read Full Review

  • 10
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes May 4, 2017

    Run, don't walk, to get this. A fantastic story where the World's Greatest Detective lives up to his nickname and the Shadow creates some extraordinary fear in the Dark Knight. The visuals are sumptuous and flawless. A masterful book in every possible way. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - Richard Gray Apr 26, 2017

    The joy of Batman/The Shadow is not just in the engaging story and the top-notch art that would make it a top pick on any given week. What Snyder, Orlando, Rossmo and Plascencia have created is a mystery wrapped in all those elements, one that draws you in with its flagship characters and holds you there with the promise of a rewarding riddle to be solved in future issues. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Apr 28, 2017

    So it's a meeting that probably shouldn't happen in the modern day - but if you can relax that inner voice that objects to continuity problems, you're sure to enjoy this issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Batman-News - Brandon Mulholand Apr 27, 2017

    This story is amazing. It's got a Batman that acts the way I like to see Batman acting: using detective skills, wearing disguises, and showing a proficiency in combat. The creative team also spent no time slouching when it comes to the finer details. They really did their research and included not only relevant details of the characters in-world, but also all kinds of references that highlight the characters existence in our-world. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    The Brazen Bull - Charlie Chipman Apr 26, 2017

    Batman/The Shadow is exactly what this 90's Kid's inner child hoped that it would be. Riley Rossmo's art, and the writing from Steve Orlando and Scott Snyder is amazing. This is a must read. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Apr 26, 2017

    This was a crossover that sounded cool and then surpassed my expectations. The only annoying thing here? Having to wait almost a full month for the next chapter. This is a really enjoyable read that should please both Batman and The Shadow fans. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Corps - Tim Montoya Apr 26, 2017

    From the outset, you can see Snyder's fingerprints all over this and I mean that in a good way. This story reads as a true detective style comic, with most of the issue being dedicated to the sleuth, Batman. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Doom Rocket - Jarrod Jones Apr 26, 2016

    It's atmospheric, moody, and it's paced magnificently - everything a crossover like this would need, it's got. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    DC Comics News - Konrad Secord-Reitz May 25, 2017

    Batman/The Shadow #1 & #2 are fantastic reads, they take into account various aspects of Batman's skill set as he investigates his latest mystery. The Shadow is a looming and ethereal figure presenting a great challenge to the Dark Knight. These issues have set a high bar for the rest of the series but there is no doubt that the series will continue to be just as great! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Batman Universe - Paul Selby Apr 26, 2017

    This first issue is an engaging mystery featuring two iconic characters and I'm looking forward to the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Apr 28, 2017

    Made whole with Plascencia's rich colors, the debut of Batman/The Shadow is a moody and engaging trek down the darker path with two of comic's darkest heroes. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Dark Knight News - Sharna Jahangir Apr 28, 2017

    I'm always excited to see a partnership with the Dark Knight. Bruce Wayne is such a unique and brilliant character that a character will always evolve around him, and he will always evolve with the partnership as well. The Shadow's form of vigilante is dangerous, while Batman is aware of his surroundings. He tries his best to keep everyone out of harm's way, The Shadow does not and this will cause dilemma and tension. I am interested in their chemistry. In the past, they have established respect, I know this will happen but I'm also looking forward to an awkward friendship as well. Overall, absolutely mandatory for your comic collection and a must-read! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Apr 26, 2017

    A strong first issue that sets up the detective angle well. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Apr 26, 2017

    Batman/The Shadow shows every sign of living up to the recent high standard set by crossover comics like Star Trek/Green Lantern and Tarzan on the Planet of the Apes. It cleverly merges the two franchises and explores the enduring legacy of The Shadow in Gotham City, for good and ill. And thanks to Rossmo, the comic looks every bit as good as it reads. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Capeless Crusader - Jeremy Radick Apr 26, 2017

    Batman/The Shadow #1 proves that the creative team of Scott Snyder, Steve Orlando and Rily Rossmo know what has made these two properties so resonant with fans for nearly a century; the issue is long on atmosphere, noir touches and dark, pulpy mystery. I will say that the story, while intriguing and compelling, is very simplistic in its structure. It's effective in how it establishes its central mystery and in how it draws the reader in, but in terms of its narrative, it follows a pretty predictable pattern for a debut issue. But what it lacks in surprises it more than makes up for in atmosphere, so the issue is still a fun read. As such, it should please fans of both the Caped Crusader and the pulp and radio character who directly inspired him. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comicsverse - A. Chowder Apr 26, 2017

    The ghostly presences of the Shadow builds towards a promising murder mystery in the latest Batman crossover. The noir-like art just adds to the action and looming danger that you won't want to miss. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    You Don't Read Comics - Ben McElveen Apr 30, 2017

    Overall, as I mentioned, the mystery is fun and its not a bad start to this six-part cross-over. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Erik Gonzalez May 1, 2017

    Batman/The Shadow is absolutely worth the time and money to pick up and read. There is a clear passion for this project from all involved that will no doubt rub off on readers. Its a cheerful thought that this comic could be someones first introduction to an age-old character like The Shadow because its being handled so well. The creative team behind this wantTthe Shadow to have his time in the limelight again and this series is on track to accomplish just that. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicWow!TV - Huck Talwar May 9, 2017

    First and foremost, this is a detective story. Most Batman books are action-focused, but this one gets back to the roots of both characters. It's a great introduction to the series, which looks promising thus far. So, head to your local comic shop and give this issue a read! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Multiversity Comics - Kent Falkenberg May 1, 2017

    Off to a great start. Tune in next month to see where it goes - same Shadow time, same Shadow channel. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    We Got This Covered - Christian Bone Apr 26, 2017

    Batman/The Shadow #1 holds back on giving us a proper crossover, but it does provide lots of pulp fiction-style noirish mystery. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Duke Harrington Apr 26, 2017

    A cool book with a cool hook and some truly fabulous art, and yet tying The Shadow so closely to his original timeline, and Batman so conspicuously to the current day, does create a juxtaposition that doesn't quite work. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Bleeding Cool - Lauren Sisselman May 26, 2017

    Overall, I'll be keeping this in my pull list. I know the second issue just came out (I'll review it soon, I promise), so here's hoping Batman gets his wits about him sooner rather than later. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics: The Gathering - stephengervais Apr 25, 2017

    It's a mixed bag of an issue, I might tune into the next issue but Snyder certainly knows how to write a much more concise, compelling issue than this and it's a disappointment to not see that here. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Critical Blast - RJ Carter Apr 26, 2017

    Dynamite's been doing a...well, quite frankly, dynamite job with the pulp heroes and the public domain supers, and it's great for the fans that they've been willing to share their sandbox with DC Comics, as they've done with their recent crossover with Wonder Woman '77and The Bionic Woman. (JSA / PROJECT SUPERPOWERS anybody? C'mon, it's low hanging fruit!) Putting Scott Snyder and Steve Orlando together to chronicle this meeting of the masterminds is a natural pairing, and Riley Rossmo's art has just the darkness and deco feel to it to blend the two worlds together. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp May 18, 2017

    Following the clues left by history, eventually Batman finds the Shadow's Sanctum, the heart of his operation. Yet, the discovery only leads to more questions. The Dark Knight hopes a trip to seek out a mutual acquaintance might yield better results, but as the Shadow told him – Batman isn't ready for the vigilante's world. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Weird Science - Jeremy Daw Apr 26, 2017

    While I like the central idea, it's far too early to tell if this will turn out to be a great story. At this early stage, there's certainly a lot of potential, although I'm not as confident as I'd like to be that the potential will be fulfilled. The mystery around The Shadow's identity and his links with Henri Ducard are enough to make me interested in reading the next issue, but some of the inconsistencies in both art and writing make me unsure whether I'll enjoy it all that much when I do. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Apr 26, 2017

    More than likely you'll buy this if you're a fan of either character, either writer or the artist. I'm not trying to stop you either. It's a safe, entertaining story, but it's not groundbreaking, and I'm not going to over hype it. It is what it is, and much like the crossovers from the 90s, in twenty years it will be forgotten or looked back upon in a list and nothing more. It also doesn't need to do anything more than that and hit its sales target. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Nerd Church Radio - Ariel DuPey Apr 26, 2017

    I believe the Shadow is a popular character. Maybe if I had a better understanding of who he was, I would've enjoyed this book more. Either way, for fans who know and love both these characters I'm sure this was quite an epic event for them. For new readers I hope his character will be more fleshed out and less obscure. Read Full Review

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