Demon Knights #7

Writer: Paul Cornell Artist: Digenes Neves, Robson Rocha Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 14, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 1
8.1Critic Rating
9.5User Rating

This is it! The walls have fallen, the battle is joined, and the only possible outcome is deathbut the Demon Knights keep fighting! History has a grand destiny in store for this alliance of unlikely outcasts should they survive this issue, that is! After all, beyond the mountains, on the road to Alba Sarum, greater evils than the Horde are lurking...

  • 9.5
    A Comic Book Blog - Victor Kutsenok Mar 21, 2012

    This is still the most original concept to come out of the DC reboot and I am enjoying it immensely Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Erik Norris Mar 14, 2012

    If you're still on the fence about Demon Knights, I urge you to pick up the book. It's one of those rare books in the New 52 lineup that offers something you can't find elsewhere. The cast is great, the artwork is gorgeous and the writing is sharp as a tack. This is a book you should put your full support behind. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Mar 20, 2012

    A very hectic, engrossing issue, jam-packed with material, and at the back of it all, a lingering taste of the bitterness of war. A strong first arc, though not one with much hope to it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Jimmy Mar 19, 2012

    This was one of my most anticipated books of the relaunch, and the one that has done the best job of meeting my expectations. Action Comics stalled out a bit, though it has shown signs of picking back up. Batwoman's art has fell off with J.H. Williams III taking a break, and without the art his story just isn't quite the same. Demon Knights hasn't tried to be more than it is, and while there was one or two issues with some weaker art, they seem to be settling in and working well with the Paul Cornell story. I am excited to see where the title goes from here, and this issue gets a strong 4 out of 5 stars. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Grant McLaughlin Mar 18, 2012

    As unfair as it might be to switch gears on the book so quickly, my main complaint here is that, now that things have picked up, they're moving perhaps a smidgen too quickly. Read Full Review

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