Justice League #4

Writer: Bryan Hitch Artist: Jesus Merino Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 7, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 23 User Reviews: 35
5.9Critic Rating
6.1User Rating

"THE EXTINCTION MACHINE" part 4! In the center of the Earth, Superman faces three doomsday machines set to tear the world apart, while Earth's two Green Lanterns discover just what a purged planet is truly like. The Kindred are awake and hold the truth about the beginnings of humanity.

  • 8.0
    Dark Knight News - John Hagmann Sep 7, 2016

    In Justice League #4, I found myself yearning for resolution; a glimpse of daylight in this currently dark, chaotic story. These past few issues have been a roller coaster ride " a good one at that! However, I am anxious to see some sort of "win" for the heroes. Still, there is much more Justice League ahead " and I cannot wait to see how this story unfolds. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicsverse - Amber Colyer Sep 7, 2016

    No spoilers, but how part fourleaves off had me both cursing and cheering for the next one. As things go from bad to worse, it is absolutely grand to see the Justice League pulling together, as they always do. Wonder Woman's words to The Kindred provoked chills as she assured the ineffably old aliens the Justice League would do what they always do: fight, and win. For those following THE EXTINCTION MACHINE storyline, those who want to see the Justice League take on universe-ending stakes, or those who just love the thrill of great superhero action, this issue is a solid entry. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DC Comics News - Tony Farina Sep 8, 2016

    If you need a traditional superhero team up book where they are all back to back to back to back kicking some badguy ass, this will not fill your need. However, if you are willing to accept Victor as the real focus of this Justice League Reborn and you understand why he is the center, you will be happy. The art is amazing. The story is fast paced. All around, this is high quality stuff. Pick it up. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Flickering Myth - Tony Black Sep 25, 2016

    We reach a conclusion in this issue of Justice League which really throws a new spanner in the works, for one of our heroes in particular, leading to a startling extra complication you wonder how they're going to survive, but we now need to see Hitch starting to tie them all back together and race toward a conclusion this tale needs. That's likely to begin happening soon, but this is a fine middle issue throwing complication atop complication, drawn very well. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Heroes Direct - Eammon Jacobs Sep 7, 2016

    But we seriously need an issue that's completely plot based very soon. Otherwise it becomes just an adrenaline fix rather than an interesting story. Because the initial concept of the plot is genuinely quite good – we just can't see where it's leading. We now have a different villain and supposedly the original villains are on our side? It's starting to become a little messy and we definitely need some clearer clarification. Maybe#5 will be the issue that explains it all. Apart from our problems with the plot, it's still a throughly enjoyable comic, and if you're looking for fast paced action, this is the one for you. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comicosity - Terrence Sage Sep 7, 2016

    With the art switch up keeping pace with what came before and more of a focus on who, what, and where the Justice League are and facing after three issues of global action…this issue reaffirms the mystery of The Kindred and the overall arc before the conclusion later this month. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray Sep 7, 2016

    The conclusion to the issue is a cliffhanger that lives up to the promise of the grand beginning, and gives one of the less-defined Leaguers a new threat to contend with. If nothing else, Hitch keeps escalating the stakes of the issue so he has no choice but to bring it down hard when the first arc of the "Rebirth" title concludes next issue. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Sep 7, 2016

    I've always been a big fan of the JLA, and it's great to see these characters together. So this book starts out with a head start with most fans (and certainly with this fan). But that good will is fading fast. Help us out here, guys! Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    AIPT - Matthew J. Theriault Sep 7, 2016

    I fear Hitch's ambition in addressing such significant aspects of the mythology of the DC universe exceeds his skill as a storyteller. Much of the series thus far has been scenes of insensible action followed by brief excepts of inexplicable exposition, breadcrumbs of revelations doled out at regular intervals to pad out the plot and preserve its mysteries longer than they actually merit. Hitch raises interesting ideas, but their presentation is poorly paced and mired in melodrama. "The Extinction Machine" may well prove immensely consequential to the mythologies of various League members and the DC Universe as a whole, but if few readers remain due to its dearth of quality, the ideas it establishes will not matter much in the minds of fans nor future writers alike. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Sep 7, 2016

    The series so far has been a bit odd to me. It's an epic, big picture destruction, a disaster film on the comics page. But like those disaster films, it lacks emotional connection and relies too much on the destruction, shock and awe. It's wide in its vision, but sadly everything else is only an inch deep. Justice League should be one of DC Comics' top tier titles that you can't forget in how epic it is, but so far, this has been forgettable. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Sep 7, 2016

    At this point it's the artwork that's driving the story. This hasn't been an engaging story from the start and Hitch has done little to turn the tide. DC's premier team book remains one of the weakest in the Rebirth era. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Bin - Deejay Dayton Sep 7, 2016

    Cyborg gets some great visuals, and proves to be of more importance than expected in the cliffhanger. No worries about me spoiling the scene. Its really not very clear what is happening, or being revealed. But it does look excellent. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics: The Gathering - John White Sep 7, 2016

    Anyone who is familiar with Bryan Hitch's work know the quality of stories he is capable of writing and hopefully the next issue will be up to his own high standards that he has set with years of fantastic story telling. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Patrick Larose Sep 7, 2016

    The villains and details are still vague and the stakes still cartoonishly high with a team that are each separated and so far flung that the fact they're even in a team together barely matters. But the comic is getting better. Not great, maybe even barely good but it's brought me back to where I was saying in the review for issue #1: that the next issue could build on these elements and make a good story. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Green Lantern Corps - iggy Sep 7, 2016

    Justice League continues to be perplexing as I'm enjoying a lot of the aspects that Hitch has brought to the series but I'm struggling to be engaged with how he's handling the execution of the plot. At the minimum Justice League continues to be a high intense thrill ride with enough character moments to most readers invested. Hopefully next issue Hitch is a bit more coherent with the main story. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - soshillinois Sep 7, 2016

    While the comic isn't necessarily what I'm looking for in a Justice League comic, it definitely has way more going on than the previous run, and for that matter it deals with the Old Superman question in a way I have to admire for the sheer audacity in confronting it. Read Full Review

  • 5.7
    IGN - Joe Ruggirello Sep 8, 2016

    The once-vaunted flagship DC series has definitely seen better days. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Batman-News - Brian Warshaw Sep 7, 2016

    Justice League #4 advances the plot, but most everything else about this book remains right where we left it last time. Hitch continues to favor expository dialogue and narration over meaningful character interaction, and the chasm between he and his team of artists remains ever-wide. If you're following the story, you'll probably still want to pick this up, but I just can't recommend this book anymore. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Kabooooom - Brandon Griffin Sep 8, 2016

    Justice League #4 is a noticeably weaker installment, following three exciting trips into the trial-by-fire team building our heroes find themselves in. It's hard to ignore the feeling that this whole effort may have been rushed in one way or another. Perhaps it's the first victim of the double-shipping effort by DC? All that being said, this team has earned itself a long enough leash to let this one disappointing issue go. It could have been way worse, but it most definitely could've been better. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    The GCRN - Daniel Clark Sep 14, 2016

    It is safe to say there is a lot going on, which is a big part of what is not working with this book. Building mystery is an important part of storytelling. Not everything needs to be spelled out to minute detail. However, you do need to give us enough to comprehend major events. Witnessing Superman struggling with nonspecific forces in the core of the earth is not the most thrilling sequence to read. This story has become one long extended disaster sequence that goes on for far too long. At this point this series just needs to stop take a breath and gives us more of a reason to care. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    The Batman Universe - Paul Selby Sep 9, 2016

    Despite an intriguing ending, this story continues to limp along. And while I'm interested in seeing where it's going, I'm more interested in the story ending. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Sep 7, 2016

    While it's hard to figure out who the real villain is in the Justice League book, the real villain in Bryan Hitch.  His story is convoluted, confusing and worst of all, boring.  Really, it is awful and everyone should stay far away from it until DC gets wise and puts a new writer on it. Read Full Review

  • 0.6
    Comic Crusaders - Lead Sharp Sep 12, 2016

    The stakes are so high but there's no sense of scale, we keep getting told there are Earthquakes but the art doesn't show them the characters spend so long talking about nonsense any feeling of impending doom is nullified. Read Full Review

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