Peacemaker Tries Hard! #2

Writer: Kyle Starks Artist: Steve Pugh Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 7, 2023 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 12
8.9Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

The Brain has given Peacemaker no choice but to complete a dangerous mission on his behalf, but he won't have to kick bad-guy butt on his own. With Monsieur Mallah at his side, Peacemaker breaks into the secret base of General Immortus to steal some super-villain DNA. What starts as the team-up you never knew you wanted takes a surprising turn that could leave Peacemaker facedown in a pool of his own blood!

  • 9.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jun 11, 2023

    Peacemaker ends up being pretty useless this time, and it makes for a well-done story of betrayal, misunderstanding and dog-napping. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - Chris Showalter Jun 6, 2023

    Gushing with more vulgar humor than you can reasonably rinse off with a hose, Peacemaker Tries Hard #2 will leave you smiling. Starks' impeccable ability to capture the tone and humor of James Gunn's The Suicide Squad and the subsequent Peacemaker series is a perfect match for DC's Black Label. Read Full Review

  • 9.0 - Chase Magnett Jun 7, 2023

    Peacemaker Tries Hard! captures the incredible action and comedic tone fans of Peacemaker loved and distills them into the comics form as only Starks and Pugh can. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Jun 6, 2023

    The issue has some of the funniest bits in a book I've seen in a long time, such as the bizarre collection of helmets that Peacemaker keeps in storage. However, while the issue was a lot of fun, the predictable downer ending knocks it down a little and sort of means the events of this issue were just spinning its wheels. Read Full Review

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