Smallville Season 11 #14

Writer: Bryan Q. Miller Artist: Daniel HDR Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 19, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1
8.4Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Reunited with Supergirl, Clark must find a way to keep the peace between EarthGov, the Legion, and all ofNew Krypton?! Plus, Booster Gold and Skeets struggle to find their place in a world that doesnt wantor needtheir help. Supermans 31st-century adventure continues in Argo part 2 of 3.DIGITAL FIRST!

  • 8.4
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Jun 20, 2013

    That said, this war storyline between Earth and Argo with the Legion caught in the middle is still a bit amorphous to me. I don't know if I quite understand enough why they are at each others' throats. Is there open war? Is the Faora body enough to bring about war? Is it just fear that a planet of super-humans is a galactic hop,skip,and jump away?? I don't know if I have my head wrapped around this plot well enough to feel I understand it. Still, that isn't a major complaint because the rest of these this issue is so great. Supergirl and the Legion is like chocolate and peanut butter. They always go great together. Read Full Review

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