Task Force Z #7

Writer: Matthew Rosenberg Artist: Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 4, 2022 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 23
7.4Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

Solomon Grundy. Victor Zsasz. Madame Crow. Copperhead. No, these are not this year's nominees for sexiest maniac alive...they are the new recruits for Task Force Z! What does this mean for Red Hood and Bane? Will Mr. Bloom's Lazarus Resin heist spell certain doom for the Resurrection Twins? How many rhetorical questions can I possibly squeeze into one paragraph's worth of copy? 1) A lot. 2) Yes. 3) Three.

  • 10
    But Why Tho? - William Tucker May 3, 2022

    Task Force Z #7 refocuses an already brilliant series and makes it exceptional. Still intense and wild in its story, the comic appears restructured and changed. There is an understanding from Rosenberg that the mission is different and the dynamics within the team are all new. It shows that this series has much more depth to it than just a zombie/horror comic. And included in that is an epic, action-packed issue that knows it has awesome characters at its disposal. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles May 3, 2022

    Task Force Z has been a surprising thrill ride with each installment. While its quality isnt a shock anymore, it remains one of the more enjoyable monthly titles from DC. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Dark Knight News - James Attias May 4, 2022

    Task Force Z #7 felt like a story ramping up for a finale AND one that's ramping up for a lot more stories. In both cases, it was a great read, with lovely art and a multitude of twists and turns along the way. This is a dead good book. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield May 3, 2022

    Overall, it's a fun and chaotic issue that delivers in action and disturbing visuals, and I think it's picking up as the series goes on. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea May 3, 2022

    While there are strong action elements to this story that I love to see in this book because...... Well, zombie villains going up against people, this issue turns it into a scavenger-hunt style that I'm not a huge fan of, and it kind of bogs down the book. Thankfully, we have great art throughout and a swerve to our story that I can't wait to see how our team recovers from.   Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Batman-News - Casper Rudolph May 3, 2022

    Most of what happens in this issue is relevant, but the issue is lacking a strong, memorable moment that allows this one to stand on its own. I also think there's way too much talking and not enough action, especially for this title, which has been very action-driven so far. It's not a boring issue and it's definitely not a bad issue. I just wish it was more than just a middle-of-the-road entry and I wish that Eddy Barrows will return next month to finish out the rest of the series himself. Lastly, I only recommend this comic to those who are already invested in Task Force Z.When read out of context, this issue probably isn't going to convince new readers to get into the series. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Batman Universe - Hannan Mouawad May 4, 2022

    Overall, Task Force Z is, minimally put, an entertaining read. Red Hood and Two-Face make a good pair, and there's enough of a plot within a plot to keep the storyline moving and provide the sense that things are progressing. Now, how Task Force Z deals with Batman in the next issue will be very interesting to read! Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    ComicBook.com - Adam Barnhardt May 4, 2022

    Even with a comic that largely runs on some shocking reveals, none of to be found here in this issue and the end result largely fills like a filler. Read Full Review

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