A Game of Thrones #21

Writer: Daniel Abraham Artist: Tommy Patterson Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: August 6, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2
5.7Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

To the victors belong the spoils: thus has it always been for the savage nomads of the Dothraki. But when Daenerys finds that the spoils include helpless women, she intercedes - triggering angry dissension between Khal Drogo and his men. Drogo's word is law... yet the strange ways of his Targaryen bride undercut his authority. Now wounded, Drogo is weaker still. Yet help comes from an unexpected quarter: among the rescued women, a healer steps forward, eager to repay her debt.

  • 7.4
    Word Of The Nerd - The Nerd Aug 7, 2014

    It is difficult to judge this series and not bring the TV series and even the novels up at one time or another. As a stand-alone series, it would be difficult to know whether this comic would have continued much past 6 or 8 issues. Not because it is bad, but because that without the power of the mega-hit television show backing it up, many mainstream readers would find it rather pedantic. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - John McCubbin Aug 6, 2014

    Dynamite's adaptation of A Game of Thrones has been doomed since it began way back in September of 2011, as though it's had the odd flurry of excitement, it's generally missed the energy that made both the novel and the TV series such a hit. Not recommended. Read Full Review

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