James Bond #5

Writer: Warren Ellis Artist: Jason Masters Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: March 16, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 7 User Reviews: 8
7.8Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Bond is locked in a death trap in a medical lab in the middle of Berlin, London is going into meltdown as poisoned drugs are turning homes into abattoirs, and the only way to save Britain is the secret of someone or something called... VARGR. Dynamite Entertainment proudly continues the first James Bond comic book series in over 20 years! "Ian Fleming's James Bond is an icon, and it's a delight to tell visual narratives with the original, brutal, damaged Bond of the books." - Warren Ellis

  • 9.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Mar 15, 2016

    A tense action thriller that knows how to take its time and deliver a page turning comic. Whoever's writing the next Bond flick should check this book out and take notes! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Mar 17, 2016

    As this first arc barrels toward its conclusion it once again proves itself to be one of Dynamite's consistently entertaining and well put together series, armed with strong characters and consistently beautiful artwork. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    ComicBuzz - StephenFn Mar 22, 2016

    An action packed and tension filled step towards the end of this first Bond story from Dynamite, which is a must read for 007 fans. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    PopOptiq - Edgar Chaput Mar 19, 2016

    James Bond #5 gets the adrenaline pumping in the leadup to the concluding issue of the VARGR storyline. What could have been a meandering 24 pages of explanations, revelations, and set-up is really an action-packed, brisk read with critical tidbits communicated so the reader knows where Bond will be heading for the final lap of his mission, and why. There is maybe one nagging element that disappoints, but going into detail would spoil an important part of the book's plot, and since the issue is brand new, it is probably best to leave the subject alone so as to avoid spoiler. In any event, the positives grossly outweigh the negatives. Ellis and Masters are thus far earning their own Double-0 statuses. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    SnapPow.com - John McCubbin Jul 5, 2017

    James Bond #5 is yet another solid addition to this latest ongoing series, as despite feeling stagnant at times, with questionable characterisation, there is plenty to excite. The culminating twists and exhilarating action also prove more than appealing, with there being plenty to keep readers returning for more. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Mar 16, 2016

    At this point in the story I figure I'll run to the end of the storyline and see what the setup for the next one is before I jump ship. VARGR has not been thrilling or exciting and it has an odd pace about it that really does reinforce that it's hard to tell stories of this nature in comic form. Even when they do excel when it comes to spy stories, there's a difficulty in it when done with the monthly/singles format. I'm still not sure what to make of this Bond and his personality and that just leaves me enjoying the action itself, especially since the locales have been bland, dark, and uninteresting. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Mar 15, 2016

    I remain hugely excited to get to the heart of Ellis' inaugural Bond story, specifically the villain's horrifying drug/disease plotline which is mostly not touched upon here. All the pieces are in place for the sort of exciting, creative spy piece that Ellis is currently mastering with Declan Shalvey in 'Injection'. For the moment, I am not sure all these pieces will come together, but if the worst case scenario is a decent but unmemorable addition to the Bond franchise, it will at the very least be better regarded than this summer's 'Spectre' and the myriad of other mediocre Bond stories. Read Full Review

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