Sovereigns #4

Writer: Ray Fawkes, Chuck Wendig Artist: Johnny Desjardins, Alvaro Sarreseca Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: August 9, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
8.9Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Because you demanded it! Tragg and Lorn return, but not even slightly in the place they're supposed to be! Samson's perilous journey across the dead Earth takes a fateful turn, and Magnus prepares to meet his destiny. Oh, and the moon explodes. Also: Doc Spektor, Part 3! The story of the all-new master (and we use the term lightly) sorcerer continues... as Doc clashes with one tough pixie who's come to collect - and then goes Dutch on a date!

  • 9.5 - Harrison Rawdin Aug 11, 2017

    The Sovereigns #4 is the second to last issue for this series and man oh man it's a wonderful experience. I had no idea how I'd feel about this title going in but I'm a huge supporter of what this creative team has done and continues to do. Add in that Doc Spektor back-up feature by Aubrey Sitterson, Dylan Burnett and Triona T. Farrell and there's no doubt that you need to grab yourself a copy. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Thegreatmagnet Aug 9, 2017

    I’m very invested in this series, much moreso than I expected to be, and I’m very satisfied with how it’s been set up and executed. This feels like pretty much where we should be with one more issue left, and I’m hopeful that they will be able to stick the landing in the final issue. I just wish that the series weren’t ending. I’m not sure that the three ongoing series will be as strong, which is not to say that they are bad. The Magnus ongoing especially is extremely interesting and promising. However, the three ongoing series will probably be entirely self-contained, and most likely smaller in scope in regards to characters and storylines. But perhaps it’s better to design a tight, fully-realized story than an ongoing story without a clear and planned ending. Read Full Review

  • 8.6
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Aug 9, 2017

    Another great issue as we walk away knowing much more than we did last month. Sovereigns #4 expanded on our understanding of current events, past events, and events still unfolding. Powerful moments as well from characters as solving this mystery is either their salvation or their doom. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Aug 9, 2017

    Sovereign was a book that I was pretty interested in from the start and it's been fun trying to disassemble things and figure out where Fawkes is going with it. As each new piece has been revealed and the connections explored it's come together beautifully. It leaves me very curious to see how it'll be wrapped up, or used as a launching point, in the final issue next time around but it also has me hopeful that Fawkes has other projects in the works in this little shared universe. The events here have built up very well and there are such game changing – but known – things happening that it's simply exciting to watch unfold. Read Full Review

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