Borderlands Origins #1
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Borderlands Origins #1

Writer: Mike Neumann Artist: Agustin Padilla Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: November 14, 2012 Critic Reviews: 6
6.3Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

"Roland." For the millions and millions of fans of the smash-hit video game BORDERLANDS, a lingering question exists: how did the Vault Hunters get on the bus with Marcus in the first place? Find out how Roland got on the bus with Mordecai, Lilith, and Brick in this exciting look at the soldiers of the Crimson Lance and what made him leave their ranks and search for the Vault. Surprises abound in the first part of a four-issue series chronicling where Borderlands began!

  • 8.0
    Geekality - Worm VonChaos Nov 14, 2012

    If you're a fan of the game you'll enjoy is book. We get recognizable characters from the game and it looks like the visuals too. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    cxPulp - Waylon Wernette Sep 19, 2012

    As a Borderlands fan I was excited to read Borderlands Origins #1, but in the end it just didn't have enough substance for me to recommend other fans to buy. Thankfully, you can download the issue for FREE if you have a digital comic reader such as Comixology. The free price tag goes a long way in making this an easy recommendation to any interested in the Borderlands characters and their backstories, or those looking for something fun to read in their spare time. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Rob Rasmussen Nov 16, 2012

    The book manages to feel exactly like something that would happen in the Borderlands universe with the backstabbing and the bad-assery, which is the best that one could ask for. We get a satisfying reason as to why Roland left the Lance, which happens to be one of the more mysterious items left from the first game. As an introduction to the world of Pandora, this is a bad idea. As an enhancement for any fan of the series, Borderland Origins is doing more than I could ask for. While the story is somewhat predictable and the characters very trope-y, the necessity of such sets everything apart, allowing Borderlands Origins #1 to earn a solid 3.5 out of 5 stars and get me excited for the next issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Sep 21, 2012

    Even at the price tag of free this is a tough sell to anyone other than diehards, but Rolland was my boy in the first game so I'm hard pressed to check out the rest of the origins after this let down. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Fanboy Buzz - TommyHancock Jan 23, 2013

    Bottom line(cause Stonecold said so): Borderlands Origins #1 is a good, but not a great issue of comic. It is apparent that the creators involved have mass amounts of skill, and the comic even seems like it could pick up and just be an A+ comic… as of right now it is just a step above average. If you're a fan of the games, I'd still check it out. Also, it does have redeeming qualities which make it worth thumbing through if you see it in a shop(What the hell was in the file?!). Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Read Comic Books - Richard Dessler Nov 13, 2012

    Fans of Borderlands will surely leave this book disappointed. The only saving grace is that we've made it through the least interesting character of the bunch, so it can only go up from here when we get to characters with an actual personality. Read Full Review

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