Insufferable #4 (IDW)

Writer: Mark Waid Artist: Peter Krause Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: August 5, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Introducing Praetorian, Ominax, Razorjaw, and The Choice! All of St. Barrington's super-villains have gathered together under the direction of a mysterious mastermind to destroy our heroes, Nocturnus and Galahad-if they don't kill each other first!

  • 8.0
    Infinite Comix - Russell Troxel Oct 20, 2015

    Created by Mark Waid and brought to life by Peter Krause, Insufferable is a well-written, well-illustrated whodunit about a distant, resentful father and an equally resentful, exhibitionist son. In the midst of the super-sleuthing and crime fighting, a very real story about an estranged family eloquently plays out. Insufferable does an excellent job of showing that when it comes to family fights, there's always more than one side to the pain. And it doesn't hurt that both Galahad and Nocturnus are extremely entertaining superheroes. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Ross Sweeney Aug 5, 2015

    With those incredibly strong first three issues behind it, Insufferable has really come into its own with this issue – a deepening mystery surrounding Nocturnus, exceptionally staged action, fused with a commentary on just how well a Batman-archetype superhero would really work in the information age, where the separation between the light and the dark is mostly shadow, and no-one really has anywhere to hide. Waid continues to blend his dark wit with scathing social commentary, Krauses art is spot on, and whilst this issue is lighter on the laughs, its still a great read. Hit him again, Emily! Read Full Review

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