Jem: The Misfits #1
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Jem: The Misfits #1

Writer: Kelly Thompson Artist: Jenn St Onge Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: December 21, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6
9.2Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

"GREEN IS THE NEW EVERYTHING," part 1! Their songs may be better, but the Misfits have lost their label and nobody will touch them in the music business. On the ropes and desperate to get back on top, they're forced to consider the worst case scenario...A MISFITS REALITY TV SHOW. Though it promises the chance to get them back in the spotlight, it comes with a heavy, privacy-destroying price.
•   Learn how The Misfits first came together!
•   Will a Misfits Reality Show be the thing that will finally tear them apart... forever?!
•   Misfit's first ever series of their own!

  • 10
    Nerds On The Rocks - Logan Dalton Dec 27, 2016

    Kelly Thompson skillfully weaves past and present in Jem and the Misfits #1 establishing their group dynamic through squabbles (And secret hugs between Clash and Pizzazz, who share a warm bond.) and fights. Jenn St.-Onge and M. Victoria Robado bring an over the top rock star flair in the art and colors to in a spinoff comic that is more Angel than Joey. (Even though it has absolutely nothing in common with those TV shows.) Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Crusaders - Kittie Pop Dec 21, 2016

    I always thought there must be a backstory of why Pizzazz is the way she is " mouthy, determined, and a little bit of a brat sometimes. Seeing a peek into her life and what she did to really make The Misfits a reality is a great introduction to this book, and the covers are a true representation of that. I would pick a favorite, but I can't. All of them are gorgeous, and this is a great introduction to what is most definitely going to be a fantabulous series. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    BGCP - Morag Lee Dec 23, 2016

    The first issue of Jem and the Misfits is definitely a solid attempt. The writers have taken this opportunity to develop all members of the rival band with both hands and I believe this will help even make the title comic feel more well-rounded. I am definitely excited to read the second issue to see if the writers (hopefully) continue this first-class effort. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Mexi Gremillion Dec 21, 2016

    Jem: the Misfits is a super fun read. Im a giant fan of stories from the villain's" perspective, and this one really works. Its an entertaining new series and I definitely recommend it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Outright Geekery - Erik Koehn Dec 24, 2016

    Jem and The Holograms has been one of my absolute favorite comic books since it's first issue. But this is the comic I've been waiting for all that time. While the comic is at times a bit too wordy with exposition, and nothing much actually happens, it establishes a good story arc going forward and perfectly explains the cast and lets us in on their world. Also shows that Pizzazz is indeed one of the hidden gems (I'm so sorry) in this universe. The Misfits might be a better band and their comic might end up being a better comic. Regardless, The Misfits is a welcome expansion to this polychromatic fantasia. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Anthony Wendel Dec 20, 2016

    IDW has another success for their audience and given them what they want but at the same time doing so in a very fulfilling and enriching way. Too many times publishers are simply it in for a cheap cash grab and don't offer anything deep or meaningful in the process. Make no mistakes Jem fans, this is far from cheap or simple and instead is a book you won't want to miss checking out. Read Full Review

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