Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War #1
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Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War #1

Writer: Mike Johnson Artist: Angel Hernandez Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: July 8, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 24 User Reviews: 13
7.7Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

Two iconic franchises collide for the blockbuster crossover event of 2015! The crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise meets the Green Lantern Corps for the first time in an all-new adventure that spans the cosmos! Don't miss the thrilling first chapter of THE SPECTRUM WAR, as Kirk and Spock make a most unusual discovery on a lost world... igniting events that will change the fate of empires!

  • 10
    Big Comic Page - Andrew Stevens Jul 7, 2015

    So yeah, this is the great start to a crossover mini-series that nobody saw coming, and which seamlessly combined two previously unrelated franchises. Hell, this may even make a Green Lantern fan of me yet. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - David Brooke Jul 7, 2015

    This is a well written and entertaining issue that has proven there is no cash grab going on here. Instead we're being delivered an exciting crossover that makes sense, captures the wonder of both properties and does a fantastic job with its characters. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Critical Blast - RJ Carter Jul 8, 2015

    I've seen a number of these STAR TREK crossovers from IDW in the past, and I've had a mixed amount of enjoyment and bemusement. While I thought I'd enjoy the DOCTOR WHO crossover more, I was particularly happy with the LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES one. However, I find my expectations for STAR TREK / GREEN LANTERN remain high after this first issue. The coloring is exquisite, the plot can be followed and gives just enough mystery to leave us asking "Huh?" without asking "WTF?" The artwork is extremely enjoyable, as Hernandez pulls of the rare stunt of drawing characters who resemble the actors without getting that immovable posed quality that often comes from adapting real figures into the comics form. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Bounding Into Comics - John F. Trent Jan 25, 2016

    Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War is a wonderful read. It captures what is great about both of the series and captures the personalities, relationships, and actions of all of the characters perfectly. The overall story is well-paced with plenty of twists and surprises to keep you on your toes. The artwork for the most part is solid, although there are certain panels where the Star Trek characters have odd proportions or their faces look a little smooshed in. This is a great story that you will definitely want to pick up! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Villain Smash - Brady Steele Jul 8, 2015

    Now, when I say that this books creators mix the two universes together, its not hyperbole. There is an actual mashing up and it looks like its going to be a colorful adventure we will be reading for the next few months. Suffice to say, if you like either of these properties, you will not be disappointed in Star Trek / Green Lantern: the Spectrum War #1. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Weird Science - Daniel Stransky Jul 15, 2015

    The first issue of Star Trek/Green Lantern:The Spectrum War is a time of peace during what is to become something wild, dangerous, and out of control...I hope. Mike Johnson does a great job of writing both properties in a way that feels natural to the universes while still convincing us that these two series NEED to cross paths. Angel Hernandez hits a home run giving us art worthy of the legacies these two series have left thus far, with coloring in both universes that makes them feel like home. With the bulk of the exposition out of the way its going to be exciting to see what these two throw at us next. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Geeked Out Nation - Grant Raycroft Jul 8, 2015

    Star Trek / Green Lantern: the Spectrum War is a silly but sincere crossover comic that doesn't happen enough. Though this is mostly the Enterprise crew's show, it's making good on a fun premise. If you're a fan of either or both, this is well worth picking up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    BGCP - Dave MacPhail Jul 7, 2015

    A slow but nice start to what should be an epic crossover Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Richard Gray Jul 7, 2015

    Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War makes a genuine attempt to reconcile these two universes on a surface level, even if it is on a superficial level for the moment. One of the intrigue plot developments in this first issue is the person who doesn't receive a lantern ring, and the fallout of that will undoubtedly play into the character dynamics in the future issues. It's a pleasing union to kick off this event, and one that fans of either camp will be hard pressed to find fault with. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jul 9, 2015

    Tapping into the reptilian, fan-fiction-loving side of your geek brain, Star Trek/Green Lantern: The Spectrum War #1 is the kind of crossover you never knew you needed, but will almost assuredly love once you get into it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Blog Of Oa - Myron Rumsey Jul 8, 2015

    The initial outing in IDW's Star Trek / Green Lantern limited series is definitely geared towards establishing the groundwork for the main plot and while it could be faulted for not doing enough this first issue does a good job of whetting the reader's appetite for the bigger meal to come. With the foundation set and some elements from each franchise starting to mingle together writer Mike Johnson gives us a team up that surprisingly is only just now being published. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Jul 6, 2015

    Overall, this isn’t a monumental issue, but it is guaranteed to be a monumental series. I, personally, have never been too into either Star Trek or The Green Lantern, but let’s just say this: I am now! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Jul 8, 2015

    "Star Trek/Green Lantern" #1 meets in the middle but favors Star Trek. The Green Lantern mythos serves as bookends to a fairly typical exploration/adventure for the crew of the Enterprise. Johnson, Hernandez, Sanchez and Uyetake make it more than just standard, however, filling this series with grand potential and this issue with magnificent visuals. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jul 8, 2015

    While this first issue doesn't attempt to shake up the familair crossover formula, it takes advantage of the common ground these two franchises share. Theoretically, there's nowehere to go but up now that the foundation has been laid. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    We The Nerdy - Josh McCullough Jul 7, 2015

    Overall though, theres a lot of potential for this series. This issue features an intriguing introduction to the plot and some fan pleasing moments, I wish it was a little longer in order to get the plot moving, but thats always going to be the case with the first issue of a crossover. This is definitely worth buying if youre a Green Lantern and Star Trek fan and contains all the sort of nods and references youd expect from such an event. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    GWW - Casey Walsh Jul 7, 2015

    Star Trek Green Lantern is by no means a perfect book and if you aren't a fan of either of these properties you may find it dull as it requires a pretty strong familiarity with both franchises. But for Star Trek and Green Lantern fans this comic is definitely worth a look as it may be IDW's most sensical crossover yet as these two franchises mesh so well. Also After seeing the final pages of this comic I honestly say you will have a hard time saying no to issue 2. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Crusaders - Johnny Hughes Jul 8, 2015

    This crossover is simply a bit of fun. You pretty much know there will be no lasting ramification to either universe and you know what, that's ok. Where I do have a problem is the covers. Now, I have seen the digital version and it shows 28 pages of covers. Even in the interior cover, whichever you choose, shows 18 covers. Are the fans of each universe going to shell out for them all? That's your choice, but to me variant covers are kind of like watching a 3D movie. the story is the same, the actors are the same and the flaws ion the story are the same. But don't let the covers but you off. Pick the one you like , my personal favourite is the Vulcan salute manifested by Hal and enjoy this bit of sci-fi hokum. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Buccaneer Book Reviews - Have-A-Peg Pete Jul 11, 2015

    But, apart from waxy faces, I'm quite a fan of the use of colour and shadow to lend some real emotional resonance to this story. From the voids of space glittered with stars, to the ambient glow of scans in the sick bay, the artists of this issue have done well to tow a line between eye-catching detail, that at the same time doesn't distract from the flow of the panels. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Florida Geek Scene - Brian Reed Jul 15, 2015

    On a side note, I've noticed something about comics that I never noticed before. The more exclusive covers an issue has, the less likely I am the like the book. I stopped counting this one's when I hit 20, so I guess I was never going to like it very much anyway, but the whole thing really felt heartless to me. Just an excuse to put two big properties together and sell a ton of the same book to the completionists out there. Maybe if you're REALLY into the source material, this would be worth picking up, but unless you're a super-fan, I'd pass on this one so far. Read Full Review

  • 6.9
    Multiversity Comics - Brian Salvatore Jul 9, 2015

    Overall, the first issue did everything it was supposed to do " it gave a reason for these characters to interact, it established a world that felt applicable to both franchises, and it gave a story that is interesting and worth continuing. More than anything else, this book left me wanting more Green Lantern presence, which is a good thing in the long run " there was plenty of Lantern mythos, without spoiling too much actual interaction. Hopefully, in future installments, Hernandez can loosen up his style a little, because there is literally no limit to where this book can go " it's already reached the final frontier. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Front Towards Gamer - Lido Jul 10, 2015

    The big problem with the crossover really does come down the core problems with the Star Trek reboot overall coloring this story. At one point in the issue several characters receive lantern rings with seemingly no reasoning behind who gets what rings. The decisions don't even match character personalities as seen in the recent films. It adds to the overall sense that you aren't reading an actually Star Trek/Green Lantern crossover event but simply enjoying some pretty action art coated in Star Trek and Green Lantern colors, visually stimulating but emotionally and intellectually unfulfilling. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    All-Comic - Erik Gonzalez Jul 7, 2015

    This was a promising concept, but the exposition was lacking. Hopefully, the next couple of issues will redeem this series; it definitely has the raw material and history to do so. The art team delivers a boost to the book, but it cant save it. There is enough to have readers pickup issue two, but only time will tell if it delivers! Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Graphic Policy - sarahrasher Jul 10, 2015

    The crossover's premise is cool enough that I really wish it worked.A fan-favorite villain from the pre-rebootStar Trekmovies makes a welcome appearance, but he feels wasted so far. If you're looking for yourStar Trekfix, stick to the excellent ongoing series. If you're here for Green Lantern, you'll see so little of him here that you'll feel ripped off. It's too bad, because with a lighter touch and less ambitious mythology, this could have been a fun crossover. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Bastards - Pablo Arriaga Jul 8, 2015

    This is a title to power through for Star Trek/Green Lantern die-hards with a promising story and mismatched art. Read Full Review

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