Black Kiss 2 #1
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Black Kiss 2 #1

Writer: Howard Chaykin Artist: Howard Chaykin Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: August 1, 2012 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 2
5.8Critic Rating
4.0User Rating

  • 8.0
    Unleash The Fanboy - Harrison Rawdin Aug 1, 2012

    Black Kiss II #1is bound to turnoff many people due to its high level of sexual content and yet if you're willing to sit back, have a drink and give this book a shot you might just find yourself enjoying this perverse yet compelling tale. Recommended. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Aug 3, 2012

    I can't exactly recommend Black Kiss 2 (or 1, for that matter) in any general way: if you don't buy into Chaykin's perversely sullied worldview, you may find this comic exploitive in all the wrong ways. Problem is, apart from the shock value, Chaykin simply can't shut up enough to let his art tell the story, so there's little of the sense of creepy discovery that the best horror storytelling provides; everything's signposted in big, screaming letters. It's best thought of as a more or less direct pipeline to the id of one of comics' most important veterans: if the latest chapter of the career of Howard Chaykin is a priority for you, Black Kiss 2 is a must; the casual horror fan may find the whole thing a bit too obvious. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Aug 5, 2012

    I expect that many people will dismiss this one out of hand due to it's sexual/quasi-pornographic nature, but I'd say that would be a mistake for some. There's a lot to like in this issue, if you're not bothered by graphic sex acts of all flavors, and I'm at least interested enough to see what this prequel has to offer, but I cannot stress enough the level of violence, weird mystical mojo and unusual carnal acts we're probably in for. This issue works for me on the strength of it's art and narrative, but even that is a qualified success, as I found myself surprised by the point where the issue ended. Black Kiss II #1 was tasked with setting up the world and the expectations of this prequel, and did so intriguingly, with attractively quirky art but an awkward chapter break worked against the issue, earning 3.5 out of 5 stars overall. Those of appropriate age and mindset will find enjoyable stuff here, but it ain't for the squeamish... Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Aug 2, 2012

    I cannot say that this book is for everyone; in fact the niche is so slight that I think it’s counting on Chaykin’s name and the maturity of the content to sell it. If this was your first comic that you ever read (because the reality is that every comic is potentially someone’s first), then I’m sorry. If you contact us I will personally recommend at least twenty things that you should read instead of ever picking this up again. As for me, I’ll be back for the next issue because I need to see if there is anything that resembles a plot… and to see what that Succubus is going to rape next. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Book Resources - Andy Liegl Aug 6, 2012

    Whether or not this prequel volume will live up to the standard set by its predecessor remains to be seen. "Black Kiss" is great on its own and would have remained timeless without a prequel bringing it back into the public eye. While there are things here for readers familiar with "Kiss" to walk away with, someone who has never read the original may feel less inclined to stick around. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Aug 5, 2012

    Also disappointing is the fact the story isn't sexy. There's plenty of sexuality to be found, but it's not titillating at all. Mind you, Chaykin clearly doesn't intend it as such. The sex depicted is bizarre and violent and unsettling. He even strays into what can only be described as his take on hentai tentacle porn. But the sex (if one can call it that) is ugly and uncomfortable at all times. Chaykin's artwork is distinct and compelling. he brings the historical settings to life with seeming ease with detailed architecture and convincing images of faded fashions. Still, the strengths to be found in the artwork can't overcome the confusing nature of the storytelling. Maybe the original Black Kiss is required reading in order to appreciate this new work, which would be an unfortunate and ill-advised creative choice. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    GreyMouser Mar 21, 2013

    ___ $3, 22pgs B+W. Min ADs @ back. ___ Children and religious tea-totalers beware! This is not for them, this is for adults who can handle mixing sex, violence and alternate lifestyles entwining with the comic medium. While i first found the art cramped and difficult, i quickly got over it and re-adjusted to Chaykin's style. For $3 i was pretty pleased to see Howard return to one of more deviant series. No decompression here as we move quickly through TWO areas in each issue! A bit hard to follow at times, its worth the re-read to put it all together.

  • 1.0
    Synthozoid Jun 8, 2014

    See that sexy lady on the cover? Yeah, she's not in this book. If you like serpentine demonic penis raping, this book is for you. If you like anything close to normal, skip this.

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