Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #1
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Outcast By Kirkman & Azaceta #1

Writer: Robert Kirkman Artist: Paul Azaceta Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: June 25, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 28 User Reviews: 25
8.6Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

NEW HORROR SERIES FROM THE WALKING DEAD CREATOR ROBERT KIRKMAN! Kyle Barnes has been plagued by demonic possession all his life and now he needs answers. Unfortunately, what he uncovers along the way could bring about the end of life on Earth as we know it.

  • 10
    AIPT - Jordan Richards Jun 25, 2014

    Outcast #1 is a fantastic start for what could be the next big horror comic. Just about everything here is fantastic and done so well that there's no way I could possibly skip out what will happen next in the story. Great writing, great artwork, really well done horror, and lots of potential here. Definitely a comic you should be keeping your eyes on this week and highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 10
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Jun 28, 2014

    A lot of people are going to pick this issue up for speculative reasons, whether because it is a number one issue from Image or because it has hopes of a TV show. A lot of people will pick it up because of the creators involved, particularly Kirkman. However, this is a very good comic book and a great read. If you like self-enclosed stories that provide a heavy return on your investment then give this book a try regardless if you like horror books or not. This is one to pick up and enjoy the ride. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Geeked Out Nation - CJ Yudelson Jun 26, 2014

    Outcast #1 from Image under the Skybound imprint had a ton of hype around it, and considering the creative team that wasn't a surprise. The book delivered in every way and knocked it out of the park. Kyle Barnes story is overflowing with potential and I am extremely excited to see where it goes. 1st issues are always special if they can pull readers in. I honestly have no idea what will happen in this series but after reading the debut issue I can say it was one of the best comics of the year so far. I highly recommend Outcast #1. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Jun 25, 2014

    If you have it in you to take on a dark and disturbing comic, this is indeed the one for you. There won't be any frolicking or cheerful times here but what you get is an intriguing story. Robert Kirkman does a great job setting up this new world and characters. Paul Azaceta's art is perfect for the story and Elizabeth Breitweiser's colors completes setting up the vibe and atmosphere of the story. You'll feel a slight knot in the pit of your stomach even though there isn't anything overly gratuitous about this book. That just shows that they know what they're doing. Read this issue and you'll get hooked. That really shouldn't come as a surprise. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Pastrami Nation - Nolan Smith Jun 30, 2014

    For those that picked this up, you may have been expecting another Walking Dead. But if you go into Outcast with an open mind, you get a really enjoyable, mature book, one that looks like it could be an HBO series. I would like to rank this up there with The Green River Killer and Sentences, as it is a book that defies comic book stereotypes and tells one hell of a horror story, making you wish the second issue was out already. I give Outcast #1 a perfect 10 out of 10. Go check this out, and make sure to leave the lights on. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Unleash The Fanboy - John McCubbin Jun 25, 2014

    Image's latest series Outcast gets of to a phenomenal start with the creative team of Kirkman and Azaceta hitting it out of the park. The dramatic and creepy tone of this story accompanied with the captivating dialogue make it a must read and one that I can see becoming a real sensation. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Gabe Carrasco Jun 30, 2014

    So if you wanna be a hipster, and say "Pshh, I read Outcast before it was a TV show" (which Kirkman says is already in the works!), OR if you just wanna see a child get punched in the face by an adult man (probably my favorite panel), go ahead; give Outcast a read. Cuz hell, if demons are as real as Kirkman says they are, I'm gonna need these" Read Full Review

  • 10
    GAMbIT Magazine - J. Luis Jun 26, 2014

    If you are a fan of Kirkman and the work he has done with The Walking Dead then you are going to want to defiantly want to pick this book up. The way in which the book handles demons in a very real way that many of us can actually understand, even by the faintest of margins, makes Outcast #1 from Image Comics a must own. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    Rhymes With Geek - Nikki Sherman Jun 26, 2014

    $2.99 gets you a double-sized, ad-free first issue of an amazing new series by a solid creative team. Theres really no reason that I can think of that could act as an excuse not to buy this. Even if you dont like horror, I dare you to force yourself to try something new, because youd be missing out on an A+ first issue here well worth your money and time. After reading this issue, I can hardly wait for the end of July and the next installment of what is sure to be another hit series from Image. 9.8 out of 10. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Graphic Policy - Geo N Jun 27, 2014

    Outcast is a comic book that shows us there are no boundaries for this medium. It is eerie and frightening and some of the panels I just could not stare at for too long. Seeing Joshua smile was illustrated perfectly and I'm sure will give some readers nightmares. All of these components come together to create a wonderfully imagined horror comic book that will have fans wanting more immediately after each issue. Don't get me wrong, there are quite a few great series that operate on all cylinders and Outcast is definitely one of them. The anticipation and build-up to Outcast #1 was well worth the wait…and now I can't wait for issue #2. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Kelly Thompson Jun 27, 2014

    The plot reveal toward the end of "Outcast" #1 takes the book from being a thoughtful standalone story to a more marketable story -- something you can package and brand and launch into an ongoing series (as well as a television show), which is not necessarily bad. "Outcast" #1 would have been a good standalone comic, or the first piece of a wonderful graphic novel, but instead it's the first installment of something much bigger and more ambitious. Given the quality in this first issue, it's without doubt that readers will return for the next piece of the puzzle -- and if Kirkman, Azaceto and Breitweizer can keep it up, many, many more pieces. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - stephengervais Jun 25, 2014

    This really is a near perfect debut issue introducing us to great cast of characters and a new Kirkman world filled with horror and intrigue. It’s a dark world not for the faint of heart that’s for sure. Oh and did I mention the first issue is 64 pages for only $2.99?? Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - John Ernenputsch Jun 28, 2014

    Ultimately Outcastis a really good first issue that establishes a strong base for the ongoing story. The conflict and mystery setup here are solid, but made even more intriguing my the fact that Kirkman has created an interesting character in Kyle Barnes. The level of horror found here will vary from person to person depending on your views of religion and demonic possession. The scares weren't found in the somewhat derivative violent parts of the exorcism but rather in the quieter moments of dialogue and facial expressions. I'm intrigued at where Kirkman is heading, and when you consider the size and price, this issue is well worth checking out. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    IGN - Jeff Lake Jun 25, 2014

    Whether you're a fan of things that go bump in the night or just someone who likes good comics, you can't do much better than Outcast. Kirkman and Azaceta prove a dynamic and disturbing pairing, crafting a riveting story that's sure to possess your very soul. Now where'd we put that holy water... Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Booked - Tom Whitman Jun 29, 2014

    Ultimately Outcast is a solid debut issue, Kirkman provides a sympathetic main character. The level of scares will vary from person to person based on views of religion and demonic possession. The scares weren't found in the somewhat derivative violent parts of the exorcism but rather in the quieter moments of dialogue and facial expressions. Where is Kirman heading? Only he knows and the size and price of the first issue is enough alone to check this out. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Coming Up Comics - David Melton Jun 25, 2014

    $2.99 for a 64-page original story. Almost unheard of these days. This story is worth every penny. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book City Podcast - Caleb Webster Jul 5, 2014

    With 44 pages for $2.99 Outcast #1 is the best deal you will find at your LCS this month. With beautiful art and a gripping, if not disturbing, story Kirkman ignored many of the stereotypes of the exorcism genre and instead focused on giving us a fantastic start to his latest adventure. It is clear from the first chapter how there is already an Outcast television show in production. If the rest of the story lives up to the quality of this issue than I'm excited to see where Kirkman and Azaceta take us with it. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geeks Unleashed - joedwardlewis Jun 27, 2014

    It's gut twisting horror. Furthermore, Kirkman once again proves he is a master of character " Kyle Barnes, our protagonist, is a dislikeable chap, but over the course of the double-sized issue, he invokes sympathy, to such an extent we're rooting for him. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Multiversity Comics - Zach Wilkerson Jun 26, 2014

    “Outcast” #1 benefits from the larger page count (42 pages of story, for $2.99!), allowing Kirkman and company time to traverse a lot of ground. The issue's pacing feels very much like the pilot of a new television show, one that quickly establishes the lead's background and instantly ropes the viewer into the ongoing conflict. By issue's end Kyle has a clear motive and direction by which to propel the series forward. It will be interesting to see how the book settles into a more traditional page count, as well as how the story will progress in the long term. The book doesn't quite seem quite so tailor made for the sort of status quo shifts that have propelled Kirkman's other series into triple digit issue counts. Regardless, “Outcast” #1 is a very strong showing from all involved, one worth checking out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Adam Alamo Jul 2, 2014

    This inaugural issue of Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta is definitely worth checking out. It's a solid story that provides plenty to like, but also leaves plenty of mystery to unfold for future issues. If you remember what it was like to see the Exorcist (or some other movie that scared the hell out of you when you were younger) before you built up an immunity to all things scary over the years, I think this series will rekindle some of that feeling. If you're just you're looking for a good, character driven story, regardless of genre, I think this series could be for you as well. If you can find a copy at your local shop, check it out! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Jun 29, 2014

    Ultimately, Outcast appears to be a story about purpose. Kyle goes from self-pity to self-realization, discovering direction. While the trauma and tragedy that defined his life aren't relatable, that moment when one comes out of despair, out of that dark hole into which we all retreat after loss of some kind - be it personal, professional or even spiritual - we've probably all felt that sense of empowerment and clarity wash over us at a turning point in our lives. This is a smart take on horror, offering some familiar elements enhanced by a real sense of humanity. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jun 25, 2014

    Of course, it remains to be seen where Outcast will go - if this winds up being a series like Skybound's Thief of Thieves, Outcast may still wind up in an early grave, if Kirkman takes his star power and his vision to another title prematurely. Being a one-man franchise can do that - people demand new franchises, but you can only stretch yourself so thin, and why should you stay on a book beyond your interest level? Life's too short. Right now, Kirkman's vision for Outcast is only embryonic, with strong pacing and great art from Azaceta keeping you intrigued. If Kirkman can assert the direction of this series more fully as time goes on, you may still hold this Outcast close to your heart. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Chris Wilson Jul 2, 2014

    Robert Kirkman seems to have another winner on his hands with Outcast #1. It's a compelling, if not completely innovating, start to a series that could become quite creepy and scary. Some of that will rely on the reader's belief in some elements but shouldn't hinder it completely. The artwork's tone is perfect and the unique panel usage makes the storytelling even better. At $2.99 and a high page count, there's little that should deter you from picking this chiller up. Let's just hope that Mr. Kirkman doesn't lose interest himself. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Lilith Wood Jun 30, 2014

    Whether Outcast runs as long as Invincible and The Walking Dead feels like a moot point, because it would be more in keeping with the maturity of this story for it to run for a while and then stop at a natural ending point. But with a TV show already in the works, there may be different factors at play than what suits the narrative. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    8CN - Matt Overstreet Jun 25, 2014

    In the end, I can't say I really recommend picking upOutcast, month-to-month, unless demon possession is totally your thing, but I can say that the art here is really superb, and honestly probably one of the best representations of visual story telling in the comic medium that I've seen in a little while. While I'm not drawn in by the story being told, I can't help but look forward to what Azaceta and Breitweister both do next. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Therapy - Cody "The Thorverine" Ferrell Jun 25, 2014

    Outcast is off to an interesting start, but it hasn't completely broken out from the crowd when it comes to possession/exorcism stories. Forty-four pages for $2.99 is nothing to scoff at, and Kirkman likes to build things over a few issues, so this is one to definitely check out. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Following The Nerd - Christopher Williams Jun 30, 2014

    Overall this was a solid opening entry, though probably not worth the extra hype it's getting simply from Kirkman's name. It's a promising story with some good art, but it's hard to say as of this moment if purchasing 10 copies will be a solid investment. I'm hoping we get a bit more back story going forward and also that some of the plot holes will be filled in. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Outright Geekery - Julestrue Jun 30, 2014

    I hated the issue honestly. Such a disappointing first issue. I understand there will be a lot to build onto the story from here, but I'm just not gonna make that commitment after this. A double size issue and I still don't think it was worth the money I spent. I'm sorry when I say I just did not enjoy this issue at all. Like I said Azaceta's art was very cool and would be awesome to look at in an other story but not enough to keep me on this title. It was just not my bag. Read Full Review

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