Annihilator #1
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Annihilator #1

Writer: Grant Morrision Artist: Frazer Irving Publisher: Legendary Comics Release Date: September 10, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 19 User Reviews: 9
8.8Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

Legendary Comics proudly presents Annihilator, an original graphic novel odyssey from the extraordinary mind of Grant Morrison, brought to life with stunning artwork from Frazer Irving. Washed-up Hollywood screenwriter Ray Spass is caught in a downward spiral of broken relationships, wild parties and self-destruction. Out of luck and out of chances, he's one failed script away from fading into obscurity. Little does he know he's about to write the story of his life. As his imagination runs rampant, Ray must join forces with his own fictional character Max Nomax on a reality-bending race to stop the entire universe from imploding - with more

  • 10
    Doom Rocket - Gavin Rehfeldt Sep 11, 2014

    Ray Spass is another flawed and complicated anti-hero faced with a problem without an easy solution, but his adventure is an intriguingly physical and internal one set against the landscape of a city of dreams that runs on compromise and false hope. Morrison and Irving have crafted a beautiful first issue for Legendary that can and should be read multiple times. There is much to chew on – and be dazzled by – with interconnected themes that highlight each other effectively. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Multiversity Comics - Keith Dooley Sep 12, 2014

    Morrison and Irving have combined themes of science fiction, the occult, horror, and the artificiality of life and Hollywood in just the very first issue of a miniseries that promises to enlighten and entertain readers. As Morrison is wont to do in the best of his works, each panel of every page is important to the overall story. Repeat readings are required, but be warned: your sanity may be on the line. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Newsarama - Brendan McGuirk Sep 10, 2014

    Plots come and go. They are only engaging for as long as you are engaged in the tale's telling. The ideas that sustain them, however, endure. We take them with us, outside of our stories. Like the biggest of ideas, the best fiction can annihilate our very real expectations. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Fangoria - Svetlana Fedotov Sep 9, 2014

    Accompanying Morrison's words is psychedelic art from Frazer Irving. Having done everything from covers to interior work to board game design, Irving pours years of experience into ANNIHILATOR, creating something beautiful and atmospheric. Not only has he perfected cinematic movement and action, but his unique style is perfect for this '70s-inspired title. Though the comic may not intentionally harken to the old HEAVY METAL vibe, it definitely screams it with the thick lines and vibrant, French style coloring. Irving's encompassing digital paint work is a familiar sight to fans of vintage sci-fi, spaghetti westerns and oversized magazines. It pops into your head upon the very first look. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Sep 11, 2014

    This book isn't for everyone, of course, but it's a sharp science fiction tale with a dark twist - I'm anxious to see where it goes from here. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Sep 13, 2014

    A roiling mass of fiction, metafiction, and realism that threatens to gnaw itself to death, if only to yield new, even more potent life. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    BGCP - Marco Piva-Dittrich Sep 16, 2014

    An amazing start for this new series Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Sep 10, 2014

    Annihilator actually shares more than a writer in common with the afore-mentioned The Multiversity. Both comics explore the notion of writing as a reality-altering force, as tapping into unknown powers. In the DC event book, Morrison's script casts the audience in the role of power, as the script begs the reader not to take the characters further down toward a path of decay and corruption. In Annihilator, the story is about the written word given birth to something dark and menacing, or perhaps it's the creation using the writer to craft its gateway into existence. It's weird and intense and entertaining. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Bloody Disgusting - Zac Thompson Sep 10, 2014

    This may just be the best Grant Morrison comic in years. Its not bound by archetypal superheroes, metatextual meanings, and incomprehensible truths, but instead straddles the weird disillusionment that sometimes comes with the act of creation. Its inviting and beautifully realized without being challenging. Its the beginning of a new age of Morrison stories, and is quite possibly one of his finest works yet. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Edward Kaye Sep 12, 2014

    Annihilator #1 is one of the most stunning-looking books being published right now. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    8CN - Andrew Tran Sep 10, 2014

    Morrison handles the parallels between creator and creation wonderfully, as the Annihilator comes to represent death, existential despair, and the incontestable dominance of natural law. Or is it incontestable? The brilliant heart ofAnnihilator is the suggestion that through human artifice, this order can be reversed; things can come out of nothing, and one can pull heroes out of dreams for aid. The action is over-the-top but relatable, the art is inspired, and the writing contains the level of nuance and complexity we've all come to expect of Mr. Morrison. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Rhymes With Geek - Walt Keegan Sep 12, 2014

    The story concept has been done before but Morrison's words and Irving's art combine so perfectly here that it feels new and different. This was a book that wasn't on my radar until I had it in my hand and didn't expect to love it as much as I did. Annihilator #1 is a strong start to what should be a dark, crazy ride. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Mike Logsdon Sep 10, 2014

    While the story, characters, and concepts are certainly intriguing, there are very similar questions featured that we've seen Morrison play with before. However, Morrison's answers are always nuanced, and it'll most likely be worth it to see what else he might have say on the subject. One of the things that will keep readers returning is the beautifully mind-bending artwork of Frazer Irving. He's worked with Morrison before, but this is perhaps the most uninhibited artwork he's produced for the prolific writer, which is all the better for us. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Den Of Geek! - Marc Buxton Sep 10, 2014

    Zombies and vampires might rule the day on the comic racks, but Annihilator steps outside the expected to deliver a tale that perhaps can only be presented in the comic medium. A tribute to the pulp sensibilities of the masters of horror combined with a hard look at the consequences of the creative process. This is one deep and chilling comic book and Legendary should be proud. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Sep 10, 2014

    This is an experimental first issue for sure. Some are bound to love it and others will likely walk away. I fall in the former of the two groups. What will the second issue hold for us? It's tough to say because there isn't an inkling of an idea as to what will happen, but I'm curious. Curiosity combined with solid execution will entice any reader back in my opinion. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Sep 13, 2014

    Annihilator looks to be a strange journey. However, as an unknown publisher you have to wonder if issues two, three, four and beyond will ever see the light of day. As a single issue, there is certainly enough here to sit back and enjoy the read. I recommend picking this up. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - RobertJCross Sep 11, 2014

    I know what you're thinking. You don't have to say it. The title sounds really freaking corny. And I was in total agreement until I started reading it. What a treasure it was to see what the title referred to and what it all meant to the overlying theme. In fact, I'm not going to give any of it away. The cover is extremely misleading though. You will think this comic has a hero/villain dichotomy, but you'll be wrong. OK! I'll give one thing away: This comic has more to do with "external agents" than internal ones....though internal is most of what you're going to get. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Sep 10, 2014

    "Annihilator" #1 looks fantastic, and Irving's already bringing his A-game to the comic. Will the story catch up? I suspect so. I'm not worried about Morrison easing us into the mini-series, since these days it's become a more and more standard operating procedure of his. There's enough to hook you for "Annihilator" #2, but it's also not a full "wow" script just yet. Are we going to get there? There's one way to find out. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Spectrum - Bob Bretall Sep 21, 2014

    Annihilator jumps back and forth between Hollywood and deep space. Along the way we get drug abuse, sentient teddy bears, killings, hookers, and a decadent orgy; all beautifully rendered by Irving. A lot of things happened, but most made little connective sense to me. In the end I share the assessment of the agent who reads Ray Spass's screenplay “This is a rough draft of some of Act One”. I can see the pieces all laid out on the playing board, but I'm not seeing how they're all going to fit together yet. My main fear is that by the time I get issue #2 how much of the intricacies of issue #1 am I going to remember while trying to fit this narrative together? This might very well be a good “wait for the trade” story. Read Full Review

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