Amazing X-Men #15

Writer: Christopher Yost Artist: Jorge Fornes Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 14, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 2
7.1Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

•  We've all heard the phrase "those are big shoes to fill."
•  That's especially true when those are the massive boots of the unstoppable Juggernaut.
•  So when the Gem of Cyttorak reappears, the X-Men must ask themselves: Who's going to wear those boots?
Rated T+

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Jan 14, 2015

    AMAZING X-MEN offers what could really be a fantastic story. Part of me is dying to see Cain Marko and maybe even a new Juggernaut, but what Yost delivers is much more about the mythos of Cyttorak, which fits really well here. The art is a bit of a miss and feels very rushed at certain moments, but overall, this is a great jumping on point for new readers and a great start to this run. I recommend you check this one out, especially if you're a Juggernaut fan. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    Word Of The Nerd - Sean Ian Mills Jan 16, 2015

    Amazing X-Men #15 is packed to the gills with continuity, remaining very specific to the current status quo of the X-Men at this point in time. But if you're on board with that already, then Yost and Fornesdeliver a solid X-Men adventure, pitting them against one of their classic foes. Whether that's enough to sustain a series like Amazing X-Men is anyone's guess. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Critical Blast - Mike Maillaro Jan 14, 2015

    Amazing X-Men has been an entertaining book throughout it's current run, and this issue was in the same vein. I just wish they would move the stories forward a little faster. There was just way too much padding here. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jan 14, 2015

    Unfortunately, the art is a significant problem at times. Jorges Fornes delivers a very rough, harsh style that would be better suited to an old-school X-Force comic than a contemporary X-Men series. Fornes also doesn't do enough to distinguish among his characters physically. Colossus hardly has more muscle mass than iceman in most panels. The storytelling suffers from a lack of dynamic perspective. Characters are generally rendered either head-on or form the side and show little energy during the minimal action sequences. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Jan 22, 2015

    Ultimately, despite a solid opening chapter of a story that will hopefully bring back the Juggernaut that most people know and enjoy, the art fell short for me. I'm invested in these characters though, and while the art wasn't necessarily to my liking, I'm confident that Yost can still deliver a fun ride while leaving some of the continuity baggage behind. I for one am ready for the return of the Juggernaut, let's hope Marvel and Yost feel the same way. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    DarioV Jan 18, 2015

    The new storyline kicks in with an interesting cast and good, albeit sometimes sparse, art. The idea to make Colossus the center of it all is interesting.

  • 7.5
    JBL Reviews Jan 19, 2015

    I liked the story, but I hate the way Storm and Colossus were written. Storm was not compassionate and Piotr was stupid.

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