Astonishing X-Men #46

Writer: Greg Pak Artist: Mike McKone Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 25, 2012 Critic Reviews: 4
7.1Critic Rating
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Cyclops teams up with alternate versions of your favorite X-Men! And who is Saviour?!

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Matt Demers Jan 25, 2012

    Part of the reason I enjoy Greg Pak so much is his ability to make me care about characters that I would otherwise have not; his run on Hulk and his work for this issue have affirmed that belief, as I really couldn't see myself enjoying any iteration of Emma Frost. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Jan 25, 2012

    Going with the idea that anything can happen in another dimension, Pak assembles a curious and hilarious cast that includes a kid Nightcrawler, a cowboy Wolverine, and a few other alternate reality X-Men -- and at one point they all wear Magneto helmets. It's most definitely silly, but it all has a sense of drama to it that will keep the reader entertained and hooked. Alternate dimension stories can be a tough sell, but Pak gives the reader a good reason to put down their money. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jan 25, 2012

    It won't reinvent the X-books like some of its sister titles, but Astonishing X-Men can still exist as a book that's merely just good. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Entertainment Fuse - Eric "djotaku" Mesa Jan 27, 2012

    The story also still has a lot of room for an interesting resolution. This issue just seems a bit repetitious in an effort to pad out the arc's length. It may well work as better as a trade because Astonishing X-Men seems to be the only X-Men book left that's not biweekly. I think that having to wait a month and then not moving the story forward by much is part of what contributes to my frustration with the pace. Still, I've read much worse X-Men stories. Read Full Review

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