Avengers Arena #10

Writer: Dennis Hopeless Artist: Dave Johnson Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 5, 2013 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 6
7.2Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

Nico’s valiant stand…against Sentinel?

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Jun 6, 2013

    Lots of good progression for these characters, and a conclusion that will launch a thousand Tumblr posts. Read this now. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Analog Addiction - Jideobi Odunze Jun 7, 2013

    What you come to enjoy from this series is the amount of detail put into the environment by Burchielli. And everything pops out be it injuries, like Nico's, and how well he makes it look like a game overall. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - mahargen Jun 6, 2013

    I love Burchielli's work here. He excels at presenting these situations to the reader. The images of a broken Nico were quite powerful. It's hard to show so many characters in a truncated space, as he does during the sentinel chase scene towards the climax of this issue. At the same time, he managed to show how boxed in the heroes were despite the open-nature of Murder World. The story can only build so much tens ion, it relies on the art to echo those sentiments. It's obvious that Burchielli and Hopeless are on the same page here. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ScienceFiction.com - Ben Silverio Jun 9, 2013

    Though, I wouldn't go as far as to say that this is one of my favorite books that I'm picking up right now, I'd say that it falls somewhere in the middle as a book that I'm enjoying when I can afford to pick up, but if I miss an issue by a day or so, I'm not too torn up about it. However, because I need to see how Chase takes this atrocity, I don't think I'll be missing the next one even an hour after the store opens. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Joshua Yehl Jun 5, 2013

    The only major element this issue suffers from is the loss of Kev Walker on art. Riccardo Burchielli does a solid job as his replacement, but there are more than a few panels that look downright awkward thanks to an attempt at a stylistic image totally missing the mark. But aside from those, Burchielli manages to bring it home in the end and deliver one heck of an ending for Hopeless' whiplash narrative. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    Comic Addicts - Akshay Dhar Jun 11, 2013

    Definitely a recommended read from my side among the spandex books on shelves. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Marvel Disassembled - Mike Jun 6, 2013

    There's already scores of readers who've dropped this book and now that this issue's out, it's only going to get worse. This was a weak issue, if only because of the plot holes. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Read Comic Books - Roderick Ruth Jun 6, 2013

    In essence, this issue moves the story along and gets from point A to point B. There is hardly any genuine lamentation or regards in this issue, especially for the fact that there was less charisma for the death in this issue than in the previous issues. The cover of the issue insinuates a “warrior's last stand” confrontation, and frankly, we don't get that. Unfortunately, due to this character's popularity and importance in this series, it doesn't ring with any permanence or finality. Needless to say, fanboys of the genre and of these characters will stay on board, while others could see this as a breaking point to finally move on from. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Jun 6, 2013

    With the death of a well-loved character this issue, "Avengers Arena" #10 is hitting the point where I think readers will need to decide if they're sticking around or not. If teenagers fighting to death is your sort of thing (and with the success of properties like "The Hunger Games" and "Battle Royale" it clearly is for a lot of people), "Avengers Arena" is probably hitting its stride quite nicely right now. For those who are reading "Avengers Arena" because they were big fans of books like "Avengers Academy" and "The Runaways," on the other hand... I can't help but think that this storyline might be changing their minds. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Vine - Gregg Katzman Jun 5, 2013

    For the most part, this book usually has me down the middle. I enjoyed the Arcade-focused issue but aside from that, everything has been rather "meh" for me. I understand some of you loathe the premise of this book and if that's the case, this issue will likely make you want to flip a table or smash your keyboard. Needless to say, avoid it at costs and don't spend a dime on it. However, if you've been digging the premise, odds are you'll have a blast with the action packed developments. But for me? My personal gripes and frustration over a few decisions drop this issue to two stars. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Ryan Feb 20, 2019

    I just can’t tell you enough how great Avengers Arena is. It has perfect art, great character writing, a great plot, a great villain, tons of teen drama, characters die, and they stay dead, and X-23, because she’s great.

  • 8.5
    tdten Jun 9, 2013

    Another good issue with plenty of shock and suspense. Hopeless continues to do a good job at giving the characters their fair share of dialogue, which can be hard given such a big "cast." I don't read this title for the fantastic dialogue, just to be fairly entertained by each issue. So far, AA has done this and will keep reading until the fun stops.

  • 8.0
    Rob D Williams Jun 6, 2013

    Avengers Arena #10 continues on from the last issue well, with Hopeless' script being well-crafted and allowing the reader to feel sympathy for the character's plight. This issue shows again how the series is about the characters, not the deaths, and Hopeless does a wonderful job at playing with your emotions here. Burchielli's art is generally good, yet some facial expressions are odd, which brings the score down somewhat.

  • 8.0
    Grifter May 26, 2018

  • 8.0
    mrDovydas Jun 6, 2013

  • 5.5
    iPodwithnomusic May 18, 2018

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