Deadpool #900

Writer: Various Artist: Various Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 14, 2009 Critic Reviews: 4
6.2Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Special SUPER-sized, ACTION-packed 104-page special to commemorate Deadpool’s historic 900th issue! … Wait, has it really been nine-hundred issues…? Who cares! If this collection of octane-infused stories by some of comics’ hottest talent doesn’t make you want to genuflect at the Altar of Wade, nothing will. Thrill as the Merc with a Mouth squares off against probe-happy aliens, trigger-happy mimes and one seriously unhappy fanman – and that’s just half the book! Wince as Wade bares his soul (and lots more) to a shrink who’s got major squirrels in his own attic. Thrill as he travels around the globe and then some to settl more

  • 8.0
    IGN - Bryan Joel Oct 14, 2009

    The other stories have their notable moments as well. Charlie Huston's final tale "One Down" has some absolutely beautiful art by Kyle Baker, and Mike Benson's "Shrunken Master" verges more toward the chilling side of Deadpool, an angle of the character that's often underutilized. As I said, no story in this collection is outright terrible, and if you're a fan of Deadpool, you'll find a lot to like. There's also a fair amount of appeal for casual fans looking to get on the Deadpool bandwagon but may be put off by the deluge of recent material. Surprisingly enough, a third Deadpool book could work if it keeps up this level of quality. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Charles Webb Oct 13, 2009

    Marvel has outdone themselves with this book but as an aside I would love it if they scaled back Deadpool's exposure a bit so that we can savor the character instead of having to go through what will be the eventual backlash. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Kyle Posluszny Oct 17, 2009

    Deadpool #900 is a great value, but none of the stories in the book fall under the must read category. Pick it up if you are a fan of the character. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Oct 15, 2009

    If you are a big Deadpool fan, this issue will probably be a little bit like Christmas for you; after all, it is 104 pages of nonstop jokes and action featuring a wide range of talent and a good mix of approaches to the character for a reasonable price. Unfortunately, the quality ranges from simply abysmal to pretty good, so if you aren't 100% vested in the character, it's probably not worth your time and money. Read Full Review

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