Death of X #1
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Death of X #1

Writer: Jeff Lemire, Charles Soule Artist: Aaron Kuder Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 5, 2016 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 17 User Reviews: 39
6.9Critic Rating
6.7User Rating

• What happened eight months ago that set the Inhumans and X-Men on a collision course? Find out here!
•  The Inhumans travel to Japan where one of the Terrigen Clouds creates a shocking new Inhuman.
•  The X-Men travel to Muir Island where the second Terrigen Cloud causes something truly terrible.
•  When these two events collide, a war of catastrophic proportions explodes!
Rated T+

  • 10
    AIPT - Chris Hassan Oct 5, 2016

    After 50+ years spent battling megalomaniacal mutants, bigoted humans and killer robots, Lemire, Soule and Kuder prove that the X-Men's greatest threat may just be a cloud – and the story's so good, that's okay. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Oct 7, 2016

    So will this revitalize the X-Men franchise, and bring the Inhuman franchise along for the ride (as Marvel no doubt hopes)? Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Weird Science - Dan Mayhoff Oct 10, 2016

    Death of X starts off very promising as we get thebeginnings of this major conflict between the Inhumans and the Mutants. Whileone group faces a new golden age, the other group faces extinction and they areon a collision course. This issue sets everything up very nicely and using somevery impressive storytelling devices. I'm looking forward to the rest of thisseries and I would definitely recommend this issue to anyone. How the rest ofthe series will go, I haven't a clue but this is one of the best ways to startit off. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Comicsverse - markbouchard Oct 10, 2016

    While the direction of DEATH OF X is clear, its details are not. We already know that Cyclops will end up dead, or at least his friends will believe him be. This was revealed by Storm to Old Man Logan inEXTRAORDINARY X-MEN #2. DEATH OF X could play out extremely predictably, to fill in the gaps, as a means of getting readers up to speed before INHUMANS VS. X-MEN, but perhaps we'll be surprised. With only three issues left in DEATH OF X, I feel the plot should be moving a bit more quickly. This issue laid some solid groundwork and built a great deal of suspense, now Lemire and Soule need to deliver. Currently, we're missing crucialinformation as to the current surge in anti-mutant sentiment that has swept the Marvel universe: whatexactly did Cyclops do to cause it? Hopefully DEATH OF X #2 (out on 10/19/2016) will begin to provide answers. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 5, 2016

    Ignoring the impact this issue has on one particular character, Death of X #1 doesn't disappoint. This issue doesn't offer much information that readers haven't already gleaned about this missing period, but it taps into the tragedy and and darkness surrounding the X-Men as they confront the latest threat to their existence. This issue also makes great use of its art team, proving Aaron Kuder is one of Marvel's best acquisitions in recent years. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Jeremy Matcho Oct 9, 2016

    Death of X has been a series and story fans have been waiting to hear since Secret Wars ended. The first issue did not disappoint and should please fans of both the X-Men and Inhumans. The pencils and colors were very good in this introductory issue. This mini series has the potential to put the X-Men back on top of the sales chart, where they belong. If the writing is consistent and Aaron Kuder continues to crush the art duties, this will be an epic mini. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Adam Brunell Oct 6, 2016

    Death of X #1 fills in a gap in continuity about how the Terrigen Mist cloud specifically affected a large number of mutants, but it did bother me that this very key continuity point has been completely unmentioned for months. The timing of this series is just off, it seems like Marvel should have published it several months ago so that this would fit in with what is going on in the other books. That may not be a big deal for readers who just read the event books, but it is bothersome to me as someone who reads all of the X-Men and Inhumans books being published. That said, it was a powerful story with good art, so I was able to enjoy it even though there were a number of specific details that bothered me. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Oct 5, 2016

    Overall Death of X #1 gives you reason to see this to the end. The only question is if they are willing to satisfy us with the answers we have been seeking for longer than we should have been waiting. They without a doubt need to prioritize selling us on the direction things have taken and why we should or have been rolling with it up to this point. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    Graphic Policy - Brett Oct 5, 2016

    The first issue is doing what it promised, to fill in the gap of the eight months and for us to finally find out what happened to Cyclops and the first fallout between the Inhumans and mutants. For those that care about that clash and the upcoming event that feels like it'll probably be round two of that clash, this is something that's a must. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    Heroes Direct - Adam Fitch Oct 5, 2016

    Overall, any kind of impact this story would normally make is diminished because we know how a lot of it will play out. The art is cool and the build-up of tension would work in a normal situation, but it's not enough. This is the only first issue in Marvel NOW! that we've been disappointed with so far. It's definitely not bad, though. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicWow!TV - Huck Talwar Oct 12, 2016

    This issue could be the start of something HUGE. I have no idea where Lemire and Soule are going to take this miniseries, but I can't wait to find out. This is the perfect book for any Marvel fan who likes a dramatic story with a lot of action and superpowers. I'm actually not the biggest fan of superpower-driven stories, but I will definitely be keeping up with this one. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Source by SuperHeroStuff - Marc Buxton Oct 10, 2016

    The war between mutants and Inhumans begins with a bit of a thud as Marvel throws a dart to see which unused X character needs to be sacrificed to light the dynamite. Guys, Madrox will be back and this otherwise well-written issue could have moved forward without the pointless and highly marketed death. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Ryan.L Oct 5, 2016

    This book isn’t great, and a pretty rocky start for the mini-series. If you’re like me and a huge x-fan then you’re dying to know what’s up for our beloved mutants. Hopefully this series gets better and answers some of the big burning questions we have and not turn out to be just a setup for the Inhumans vs X-Men event that’s just around the corner. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    PopMatters - Jack Fisher Oct 7, 2016

    The details of what Cyclops did and how the outlook for the mutant race got so bleak remain unresolved, which still gives the overall narrative of Death of X promise. However, given the not-so-subtle undertones of this issue, it's painfully apparent that this conflict between the X-men and the Inhumans will not be a fair fight. Whoever has the advantage in movie rights is likely to come out ahead in more ways than one. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Nerdist - Blair Marnell Oct 5, 2016

    Death of X #1 was at its best during the brief fighting scenes, which allowed Lemire and Soule to let Kuder cut loose on the book. We can't fault Kuder on this one, but we expect more from talented writers like Lemire and Soule. Both of them need to remind us why we love the X-Men and why we should love the Inhumans. Because right now, it's a pretty one-sided conflict. If you've ever loved Marvel's mutants, chances are good that you're already rooting for them in this fight. Nothing the Inhumans did in this issue will change that. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Oct 6, 2016

    Though backed by a truly outstanding creative team Death of X #1 is dead on arrival. With their tonally divergent script and problematic narrative choices, both Jeff Lemire and Charles Soule are functioning way below their usual output and starting this new event on a distasteful note. This first issue also manages to make one the most exciting artists to come out of DC in a long time hard to look at which is the final nail in the coffin. The X-Men and the Inhumans may be headed for blows but Death of X #1 just feels like punching down. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    Multiversity Comics - Robbie Pleasant Oct 7, 2016

    The great artwork and Inhuman side of the story helps compensate for the shortcomings of the X-Men part, and the M-pox is fittingly horrific, but the story itself does little good. Read Full Review

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