Old Man Logan #40

Writer: Ed Brisson Artist: Ibraim Roberson Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 23, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 12
6.3Critic Rating
7.1User Rating

• The Xavier Institute is under attack and it's all GLOB HERMAN's fault!
•  How did this walking, talking lump of bio-paraffin bring a whole horde of X-Men villains down on their heads?
•  And will LOGAN be able to save the day?
Parental Advisory

  • 8.0
    You Don't Read Comics - David Harth May 23, 2018

    Old Man Logan #40 isnt much of a Logan story. It showcases a character who has rarely gotten any starring roles and is better for it. The plot is tried and true, but Brissons script is brimming with emotion and is easy to connect with, and Robersons art is expressive and dynamic. Its all very cliche, but it works in the best possible way. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicBook.com - Charlie Ridgely May 23, 2018

    There's nothing particularly incredible about the issue, and it is a little too on the nose from time to time, but overall it is a pretty solid addition to a series that's gone through quite a few hiccups. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Crusaders - Dusty Good May 28, 2018

    Not much substance in this issue which makes me yearn for the series to return to its earlier form when the comic was one of the best that Marvel put out monthly. This was pure filler and the story didn't have much to do with Logan at all. Read Full Review

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