Silk #2
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Silk #2

Writer: Robbie Thompson Artist: Stacey Lee Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 18, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 15
8.3Critic Rating
8.7User Rating

• Silk fights a familiar foe with metal tentacles!
•  And there's much you still don't know about Silk! Find more out here!
Rated T

  • 10
    Comic Vine - Corey 'Undeadpool' Schroeder Mar 18, 2015

    Silk might be one of the most intriguing new characters to come along in a good while. Introducing her in the pages of a pre-established characters title was a good move, as it built an audience and familiarity, lessening the usual sales slump that an all-new character usually has when they launch their own solo series. Putting two relative newcomers to Marvel on the book was another calculated risk, but its paying off beautifully as theyre both talented enough to make it stand out and do something truly great and even novel, making a star from a character that could have been nothing more than also-ran. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Kelly Richards Mar 22, 2015

    Well written and beautifully rendered, Silk is on its way to becoming one of Marvels the most interesting female led titles – its definitely becoming one of my favourites and we are only two issues in. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Major Spoilers - Ashley Victoria Robinson Mar 19, 2015

    Silk #2 really finds its feet and presents Cindy Moon as a strong heroine both in and out of her vigilante persona. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    AIPT - David Brooke Mar 18, 2015

    An even better introductory issue than the last, although because of this those of us who read #1 might feel a bit slighted as it retreads much of its story. All in all though, a wonderfully paced issue. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Graphic Policy - Edward Wendt Mar 20, 2015

    This entire issue was fun from start to finish. While it might seem like the writer is trying to mix too much in and to keep too many balls juggled at once, it really doesn't come off as too complicated. Rather the events surrounding Silk's life, while super in some respects, also kind of represent the chaos that most people have to get through, trying to hold down a job to pursue the passions that they really care about, and trying to deal with all of the other problems that life throws at them. Silk is so far a series with a quick pace and a tight plot which is probably the best of the Spider-ladies. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    The Latest Pull - Jess Bawgus Mar 20, 2015

    Silk is shaping up to be a title I look forward to every month. I know many long-term Spider-Man fans who are hesitant to give the book a chance to avoid a "Mary Sue knock off," and while Thompson and Lee are invoking that Spider-Man spirit, it feels natural and organic. I cannot say enough good things about the art and the environment it invokes, and the subtle touches and humanity in the writing. The overarching plot is starting to make itself known and I know I want to be along for the ride. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Mar 18, 2015

    Out of all of Silk's accomplishments, the one I'd say might be the most impressive is the fact that while she's a direct spin-off of Amazing Spider-Man, we really don't need him at all to make Cindy Moon a fun, iminently readable protagonist. (Indeed, Spidey's only in one expository panel.) Not bad for someone who has to share comic book real estate with other spider-heroines Black Widow, Spider-Woman and Spider-Gwen. Silk might not be as flashy as some of her counterparts, but between the solid characterization and the spectacular artwork, she holds her own just fine. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Mar 21, 2015

    This is a delightfully crafted comic, and a joy to read. Cindy comes off as very personable, very realistic, and more than a little dorky, in a very cute way. She's struggling, but the struggle to reconnect with her past is buoyed by a very positive attitude, which Thompson nails in her ongoing thought balloons. And Lee perfectly captures the adorable fun of being an eager, acrobatic superhero. Lee is a great fit in today's comic book landscape, and I could easily see her moving on to bigger and better books in the near future. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Superior Spider-Talk - Tony Goodwyn Mar 21, 2015

    Robbie Thompson builds strongly on Silk's debut, and has excellent support from Stacey Lee's artwork and Ian Herring's colors. Silk #2 continues Silk's quest to find her family, reconcile with her past, and succeed at being a superhero, all while portraying a heroine who readers can genuinely get behind. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jeff Lake Mar 19, 2015

    Silk still has some room to grow overall, but in a universe crawling with wall-crawlers, she stands out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Mar 23, 2015

    Still early in the run, "Silk" #2 is a fun, entertaining read that throws the story wide open for readers to come in and check out the latest member of the Spider-family. Thompson and Lee make it clear that "Silk" is an upbeat adventure comic starring a character who tries to find her path in superheroics. They also present plenty of evidence to distinguish this book from Cindy Moon's sister titles, "Spider-Woman" and "Spider-Gwen." The books aren't interchangeable nor are they inter-dependent, but they are all fun reads that offer a nice change-up from grim and gritty affairs. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicBuzz - ChrisG Mar 23, 2015

    Silk could easily have lived in Spider-Man's shadow, but due to a great creative team, she stands out on her own. While we are only 2 issues in, her character is rounded and fully formed. Her life is full of mystery and fate definitely has a lot in store for her. I for one won't mind taking the journey with her. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Oscar Maltby Mar 23, 2015

    Thompson writes a solid issue here for the soul-searching web-slinger, capably drawn by Stacey Lee. A renegade Hydra-bot action sequence and a heart-rending reunion scene make Silk #2 a great comic book, even if Cindy and her world should probably look a little less breezy and a little more mournful. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - King Apr 6, 2015

    Lee's art continues to convey an almost childish (as well as cartoonish) aesthetic to Cindy's tale, continuing to drive home the point that Cindy is still something of that same child who was sealed away in a bunker, and that even in being a superhero(ine) she still has a lot to learn about the world as it is today. The sense of helplessness and confusion we get to see her in grants a sense of vulnerability through Thompson's narrative that actually makes you feel for Cindy's struggles and personal isolation " even if it is a little self-imposed, which makes it even more tangible to me. Silk still remains a serial I look forward to, and might just be one of the best things to spin out of Spidey's misadventures thus far. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Booked - Magen Cubed Mar 20, 2015

    Past the introduction of the character, Thompson and Lee allow Cindy's story to unfold with far less exposition in this issue. This allows for a more fluid pacing, from scenes of web-slinging action to quiet reflection, each well-complemented by Cindy's organic, relatable narration. Her captions are carried by equal measures of self-effacing humor and low-key melancholy, providing some poignant insights that never feel forced. The overall plot is still a bit aimless at this point, with Cindy fighting her way through random villains sent by her mysterious observers, but the soul-searching angle of her story allows for it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge, III Mar 19, 2015

    Silk still has a lot of ground to cover before it becomes a true blockbuster title, but the potential is on full display in this second issue. Read Full Review

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