Ultimates #4

Writer: Al Ewing Artist: Kenneth Rocafort, Dan Brown Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 10, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 21
8.3Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

• The Ultimates are headed to the very edge of everything that is - and beyond! Destination: Outside!
•  But on the way, they're going to have to deal with pan-dimensional parasites, rogue realities, universal systems...
•  ...and an enemy from Blue Marvel's past.
Parental Advisory

  • 9.0
    Comicosity - Allen Thomas Feb 10, 2016

    Yet again, Ive definitely enjoyed an issue of Ultimates. I like where this story is going, and I appreciate that the arc has taken a more emotional turn while still tying in parts of the previous issues. This story is slowly but surely weaving together, but its not an excruciating wait. In fact, from start to finish and between every locale, Ultimates delivers on every front. Theres a great mix of action, science, and, in this issue, emotion that is more than enough to keep me on board. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Wednesday Comics - Marvin Salguero Feb 21, 2016

    Ewing has been doing great reintroducing the Marvel cosmic universe for this new Marvel Prime universe. I've enjoyed each issue more than the last and this group of characters just work well with each other. This is one of the most fun books Marvel is putting out right now. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Chase Magnett Mar 10, 2016

    The Ultimates has been one of the best books from the All-New, All-Different Marvel relaunch and The Ultimates #4 is no exception. It's a comic that functions both as an individual issue, making a character study spread across five decades, and as part of an ongoing plot, pushing the limits of weird science in superhero comics. It shows there's no need to choose amongst plot or character or stlye or action, combining all of these elements into one very enjoyable comic book. There's a lot happening in these pages, but that only makes the manner in which The Ultimates #4 delivers all the more impressive. Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Feb 11, 2016

    Ultimates #4 was packed with so many things you either didn't see coming or new to us. That is what you like to see from a story so fixed around the science of the universe. An adventure that's daring from start to finish when fixing a problem can still create a whole new set of others to follow. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Black Nerd Problems - Omar Holmon Feb 14, 2016

    This is the sci-fi adventure we been talking about right here, man. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    Outright Geekery - Amani Cooper Feb 14, 2016

    Kenneth Rocafort's art is wonderful. His eye for detail is always on point. The monster on the cover proves this. He is great at showing age difference in Blue Marvel just with a few strokes. I love that. Sometimes, the characters came of as posey, but it wasn't to big of a deal. Some of the characters tend to fall by the wayside a bit. A big team effort is really in order here. This was a decent read, and I'm still expecting great things. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Booked - Chris Sizemore Feb 15, 2016

    I'm so happy with this book and what it has been able to accomplish in only four issues. "Fixing" Galactus in only two issues after he's defeated teams like the Fantastic Four and Avengers time and time again is eye opening. What else can this team do? What else will they do? I can't wait to find out. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    Multiversity Comics - Stephenson Ardern-Sodje Feb 12, 2016

    This book feels like a great example of one of the big two loosening the reins a little with regards to form and execution. Ewing and Rocheforte's combined vision reads much less like a superhero comic and more like a strange super-science manifesto. While it may contain recognisable characters from the Marvel U they're being combined and utilised in fresh new ways and we're getting to see a kind of book that you wouldn't usually expect to be used as a vehicle for at least two characters with confirmed dates in the cinematic universe. I genuinely don't know where this book is headed, but if it keeps going this boldly, I'll be happy to follow. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Robert Reed Feb 16, 2016

    The Ultimates #4 is an example of how a team book can fall prey to focusing to singularly on an individual member. Blue Marvel's narrative is an entertaining one, full of the drama and character so many comic books lack. But it's unfortunate that the rest of the team falls into the background to the degree that they do. That Ewing's script is able to overcome this shortfall is a testament to his ability, and the artwork by Rocafort and Brown is mesmerizing. If the next issue of The Ultimates can deliver more narrative balance between its cast, then the series can rise to new heights. If not, readers will have to "settle" for well-told stories focusing on singular members. Read Full Review

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