X-Men #12

Writer: Brian Wood Artist: Kris Anka Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: March 19, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 2
5.6Critic Rating
5.0User Rating

Conclusion to GHOSTS
•  The Sisterhood is fully formed, and the battle for leadership begins!
•  The X-Men must choose...take down the Arkea Sentinels or go after the Sisterhood.

  • 7.5
    Geeked Out Nation - Draven Katayama (loudlysilent) Mar 20, 2014

    This issue gets a 7.5, for Brian Wood's Sisterhood of Not-Very-Evil, Bling! and Mercury talking it out, a likeable scene of the often unlikeable Quentin Quire, great lines from Psylocke, Rachel Grey, and Monet, and Kris Anka's fast and furious action scenes. Wood's sprawling cast of characters competing for page time in this arc made scenes often feel abruptly shortened. Still, we love these X-Men and Jean Grey School students, and look forward to their next adventures. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Mar 19, 2014

    But issue #12 is a definite visual showcase. In the main story, Kris Anka is at his dynamic, fluid best as he renders the frenetic ninja battle between Typhoid Mary and Psylocke and the brutal and rather one-sided slugfest between Amora and Monet. In the backup feature, Clay Mann renders the final clash with the Sentinels in glorious, intricately detailed fashion. This series has seen quite a few artists cycle through in its short shelf life, but both Anka and Mann would be great fits for a more long-term presence on the book. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ScienceFiction.com - Stuart Conover Mar 22, 2014

    So that left us with the formation and introduction of a great set of characters that really didn't do a whole lot. The fights were beautiful and the character interactions were well written but the ending felt a little too unsatisfying and while there is a good chance we're going to see good things come of this. Could we see a reformation of a Hellfire Club that is actually worth dealing with and not a bunch of spoiled teenagers who are pretty worthless? Will the return of Madelyne Pryor completely throw Scott Summers off his game and will this spill over to the ‘Uncanny X-Men'? While the issue itself was unfulfilling, I believe that these resurrections will pave the way to some very interesting story lines down the road. I'm sure the main focus will be a Sisterhood of villains vs the female X-Men but its nice to speculate. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Hyper Geeky - ClumsyG Apr 11, 2014

    It wouldn't be so frustrating if there wasn't as much potential. It almost feels co-opted " a story's mapped out only to have the plug pulled at the last minute. Looking at the issue's cover where the main X-Men team take on Sentinels on a beach, I'm just left confused. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Mar 21, 2014

    X-Men #12 put an end to the John Sublime and Arkea Prime storyline in a passable way. Brian Wood seemingly ran out of steam the closer we got to the end of this 12 issue story arc. Now that it is over I am ready to see what Wood can do with a different type of adventure for this X-Men team. What has my hopes kept high for this series is that even with the disappointing way the main storyline ended Wood knows how to write the main cast of X-Men. He has done a great job giving each member of the team their own voice, with Storm being the standout character amongst the team. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Mar 20, 2014

    "X-Men" #12 is a colossal disappointment, to the point that it's making me wonder if it's worth continuing to read this title. There are some great ideas packed away in here, and little moments here and there (like the revelation of what of Pryor was still around, last issue), but the execution of the stories is where it all falls apart. If future storylines are going to be ended in such a manner, I'm not convinced that it's worth going through them in order to get let down once more. Read Full Review

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