X-Men '92 #1
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X-Men '92 #1

Writer: Chad Bowers, Chris Sims Artist: Scott Koblish Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 24, 2015 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 14 User Reviews: 16
7.7Critic Rating
7.1User Rating

• Everyone's favorite version of the X-Men from the '90s is back!
• When Baron Kelly charges the Clear Mountain Project and it's mysterious new director with "mutant rehabilitation," it's up to the X-Men to investigate!
• PLUS: Free Range Sentiels?!?

  • 10
    Kabooooom - Tiffany Belieu Jun 27, 2015

    Even if all the nostalgia for the 90s X-Men cartoon was removed X-Men '92 would still be a fun comic to read. The battles are exciting, the dialogue is delightfully of the age and the plot is intriguing. If you are interested in reading any of the Secret Wars, this is a great book to pick up. It makes sense as a standalone and if you're a fan that isn't as invested in Secret Wars or X-Men cartoon nostalgia, this could be the book that gets you into both. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics: The Gathering - ToriBee May 27, 2015

    What this series does is bring all of the fun of the 90s series into something that still reads a little more modernly which is a perfect balance. To be honest, I can't speak for how readers who are unfamiliar with the 90s series are going to take to this series. It's fun, a little campy, and extremely nostalgic and it's perfect for a fan like me. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - C.K. Stewart Jun 29, 2015

    If, at first glance, you were writing this title off as cashing in on nostalgia, I can't blame you - but lucky for you, I wasn't afraid to go back down memory lane, and can kindly let you know that you're way off-base. Having read X-Men '92 #1, I can safely say that Chad Bowers and Chris Sims have elevated it beyond an event tie-in to a legitimately interesting story in its own right. Fans of the X-Men - whether just the show, the comics, or both - won't regret giving this book a shot. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    GWW - Danny Benavides Jun 27, 2015

    This has been one of the most anticipated series since the announcement of Secret Wars. "X-Men '92" is an entertaining read for all, but If you grew up in the early 90's watching those Saturday morning cartoons as I did, this is a nice dose of nostalgia. Sims and Bowers brilliantly capture the personalities of the mutants 90's personas. Koblish and Milla provides a bold and energetic feel consistently throughout the issue. The masterminds behind this series have absolutely done the original show justice and even if you were to remove the animated series from the equation, this is an overall fun, quirky and entertaining issue. Highly recommend. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Matt Little May 29, 2015

    Overall, "X-Men '92" #1 is a bold experiment in creating an accessible, recognizable version of one of Marvel's most storied and successful franchises. Everyone involved seems to be having a blast creating this book and that fun is infectious. The execution of the Infinite Comic format is impressive for a first issue and will hopefully inspire some interesting experimentation as the series progresses. It's a fun ride being operated by an entertaining crew. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Multiversity Comics - Stephenson Ardern-Sodje Apr 3, 2016

    Whether you're a #90sKid or just a fan of fun-filled comic stories, this book shows that, sometimes, the oldies are the goodies. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Jeremy Matcho Jun 24, 2015

    If you are craving a return to the 90s books, X-Men 92 is absolutely for you. Sims and Bowers absolutely capture the personalities and times of these X-Men and really kick up the nostalgia. The art is pretty good and it does the job for the story. This was an awesome issue that will bring you right back to being a kid. Feel free to listen to X-Men the animated series theme song before you open the issue; it will make this read even better. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Jun 30, 2015

    If you weren't a fan of the X-men in the 1990s then this book may miss the mark with you. It's intentionally written and drawn with that time period in mind. I personally loved it as it brought back a lot of great, and not so great memories of that era with a story that's still entertaining despite the high level of exposition and heavy handed dialogue. X-Men '92 is trying to be a product of its time, it just happens to be of a time that took place over twenty years ago. And that's perfectly fine by me! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Outright Geekery - Gaumer Jun 27, 2015

    I really felt like putting on a flannel, listening to some grunge music, and saying the "like", like, way too often, while reading this book and it was a great feeling. It's seldom that a team of comic book creators can make you feel nostalgic for a TV show that was based on comic books. This amazing feat, however, was not pulled off perfectly, but those small missteps barely take away from the enjoyment of X-Men '92 #1. If you've even been a fan of that old series you'll definitely not want to miss this ish, but there's really something enjoyable from anyone who's even been a fan of Marvel's Mutants and the X-Men. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Graphic Policy - pmanzato Jun 27, 2015

    If you're as big an X fan as I am and looking for a throwback to Saturday mornings, I recommend checking this title out. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    IGN - Jeff Lake Jun 25, 2015

    X-Men '92 is an entertaining read, especially for those already familiar with the classic characters. Sims and Bowers hit all the appropriate notes, their script loaded with source callbacks. That same focus on recreating the tone hinders the book's overall pacing some, but Koblish's loaded art helps carry it through till the end. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Danny Wall Jun 3, 2015

    There's a lot of hits here but unfortunately its share of misses, too. It takes advantage of the infinite-style of digital comics, resulting in some pleasing point-by-point panel progression, except for those few moments when it's confusing and when my rhythm of clicking is disrupted by paragraphs of dialogue. There's a lot of groundwork here for an X-Men story that's completely separate to the Secret Wars event, resulting in a new kind of X-Men story told with familiar characters, but there's a lot of gear-grinding before the vehicle gets moving. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    The Source by SuperHeroStuff - Zach Donley Aug 26, 2015

    What's a day at the mall without a Sentinel attack?I dont want to get into specifics, but this is where my excitement began to sputter out. We see our heroes, the ones we love and finally get to see againafter all these years, completely and painfully obviously walking into a trap. Not just any trap, but like a this-is-going-to-change-everyone-and-make-them-lame trap. And that is where X-Men 92 #1 leaves us. Not exactly the return to form I wanted to see this team take, but who knows for sure whats next? Im not sure whether to be scared or excited for the next issue, but Ill be reviewing that, too, right here on The Source! Ill see you next time for more X-Men 92, until then, what did you think? Let us know below! Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    Inter-Comics Podcast - yokohamageorge Jun 2, 2015

    To be fair, it's not the worst book on the market this week, nor the worst book you'll ever read this summer. But it makes my meh-gasm reach it's peak. Read Full Review

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