Headspace #1
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Headspace #1

Writer: Ryan K Lindsay Artist: Christopher Peterson, Eric Zawadzki Publisher: Monkeybrain Comics Release Date: March 5, 2014 Cover Price: $0.99 Critic Reviews: 7
8.4Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The inhabitants of Carpenter Cove discover their strange town is actually a construct in the mind of a killer. Shane, the sheriff, wants to get back to his real life but one dark connection between him and the killer is going to make him rethink everything.

  • 10
    Bloody Disgusting - Zac Thompson Mar 10, 2014

    Headspace is a phenomenal read on every level. The concept is brilliant and executed with such skill thatll youll barely find time to take a breath. The pacing is perfect and the world building is insane. Its as good as first issues get, and it sows the seeds of an infinitely more interesting world to come. I cant wait to see issue 2. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Samantha Roehrig Mar 5, 2014

    What I love about this comic so far is the layering of stories. We follow Max, clearly the more interesting of the two because hello he is inside someone's mind. And then we jump to Max's story which will give us all the answers of how Max came to be. Shane's world is very sci-fi with the creatures, flying vehicles, and overall atmosphere of it all. The comic intertwines lots of styles brilliantly with the serial killer genre. Ryan K. Lindsay writes the perfect first issue capturing the reader's attention with the first pages. Our art from Eric Zawadzki brings it all together. The way he switches from sci-fi to more magical realism in Max's story shows how versatile the comic is already. I really just can't wait for issue #2 to come out and may have to drunk text it this weekend. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Behind The Panels - Richard Gray Mar 5, 2014

    Just as as he did with the magnificent The Many Harold Holts of Space & Time (for the Home Brew Vampire Bullets anthology), Lindsay plunges face-first into the surreal and brings us something fresh and engaging. Offering just enough to hook new readers, Lindsay and the art team lay out an intriguing world that may have a familiar scent, but offers a vibe that is entirely its own. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Ashley Victoria Robinson Mar 7, 2014

    Monkeybrain Comics consistently produces quality comic books that tell compelling stories and are lovingly illustrated. Headspace #1 is both. Its a science fiction-y story with two protagonists involved in two separate, but no less interesting, storylines intersecting in unexpected ways. Absolutely pick up Headspace #1. At $0.99 it is nothing short of a steal. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    All-Comic - Dan Pennacchia Mar 6, 2014

    Stories that look to deviate from the norm take a significant risk with attracting an audience. However, if they are able to do so successfully, the audience they maintain will be all the more engaged and invested because of the experience they have been provided. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Mar 5, 2014

    A science fiction infused comic version of an unwritten, undreamt Rogers Waters concept album fueled by insomnia and Red Bull about a shred of "The Truman Show" that's been soaking in a tepid Twilight Zone bath, this story truly is wide open. Max's escape is most definitely tied to the goings-on in Carpenter's Cove, but which is influencing the other? Lindsay, Zawadzki, Peterson and Louise add another ninety-nine-cent gem to Monkeybrain's catalog and one that is sure to boggle a few brains. It doesn't have monkeys, gorillas or dune buggies, but it does have dragons and bartending cyborg dogs. After all, isn't this what comics should be about? It's enough to invite me back for another installment next month. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Word Of The Nerd - Ani Gonzalez Mar 4, 2014

    So it can be a little confusing, I enjoy confusing tales and mind puzzle stories, but it may not be for everyone. The art is really good and I really liked the way they put different styles for Carpenter Cove and for the story of the fugitive making them look different so they may be a visual cue that they are not in the same place or maybe not even in the same reality. I actually look forward to reading more so I can solve the mystery. Read Full Review

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