Savage #1

Writer: B. Clay Moore Artist: Clayton Henry Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: November 30, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 23 User Reviews: 8
8.8Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

Fifteen years ago, the world's most famous soccer star and his former supermodel wife -pregnant with their unborn child - disappeared without a trace. The world believes they are dead... But, in reality, their private jet crash-landed on a mysterious, unknown island ruled by prehistoric creatures from another time...

This is the story of how they lost their humanity.

This November, acclaimed writer B. Clay Moore (Hawaiian Dick) and explosive artists Clayton Henry (HARBINGER WARS) and Lewis LaRosa (BLOODSHOT REBORN) present a relentless epic of survival in a cold-blooded land ruled by instinct alone as SAVAGE makes his brutal more

  • 10
    Comic Spectrum - Shawn Hoklas Dec 6, 2016

    Much like Valiant's other high profile titles, this book has a heavy cardstock cover and eight pages of commentary that definitely made me feel as though I got my moneys worth! If you've been afraid to jump into Valiant, Savage is definitely a book that makes it easier than ever before. It stands all on its own and although I hope he eventually interacts with the rest of Valiant's Universe, right now, his isolation from the rest is allowing him to stand out even more! Read Full Review

  • 10
    AIPT - David Brooke Nov 28, 2016

    Savage #1 is so well written you'll find the pages without dinosaurs just as intriguing. This is efficient storytelling that'll make you care and want more. What's more savage, the boy in the opening pages fighting dinosaurs, or the excellent storytelling? Read Full Review

  • 10
    Outright Geekery - Erik Goodrich Nov 29, 2016

    As something that is somewhat taking place of a previous title, Savage actually stands on its own merits. I am absolutely enthused by the possibilities that Savage presents us. The only thing that worries me is that this is a 4-issue miniseries, but knowing how tight Valiant likes to keep their universe, I've no doubt (depending on the outcome of the series that is) thatSavage will make its mark on the greater Valiant universe. Read Full Review

  • 10
    The Broken Infinite - Frank Rodriguez Nov 29, 2016

    Savage #1 is a splendor of art and writing. It is easy to readers to get in, but Moore gives the story some extra intrigue and dynamic characters that will not be ignored. The art is simply stunning from LaRosa and Henry, definitely giving some of the best of their characters. And while the two styles contrast each other, they are both utilized perfectly here, as two different time periods. A perfect first issue. Read Full Review

  • 10
    All-Comic - Jesse Izdepski Nov 22, 2016

    Savage #1 delivers on every level with a compelling story and world-class artistic team. If you read only one book this week, you owe it to yourself to make it a Savage one! Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Graphic Policy - Alex K Cossa Nov 29, 2016

    I had high expectations for the first issue ofSavage, and I can honestly say that the first issue smashed them with an opening to the story that will pull you in and beat you over the head with a bone club. Based on the first issue, I'd sayValiant have another hit on their hands; if you're even remotely interested in the series pick the first up if you have a chance " you'll not regret it. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    CourtOfNerds - Grant Stoye Dec 7, 2016

    This is a really thought-provoking book that has captured my interests immediatey: I love the different artistic styles, I love the real-world comparison, and I love how bold Valiant is being with these new ideas and comics. This is a book where society is scraped away by tooth and claw, and the journey from one point to the other looks like it'll be harrowing. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    PopCultHQ - Jason Bennett Nov 28, 2016

    SAVAGE #1 is a solid debut issue. The writing is appropriately descriptive (no fluff), the artwork is remarkably fitting, and the comic presents nicely overall. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Pop Culture Uncovered - Ray W Nov 30, 2016

    Savage #1 is phenomenal, and it has a rather interesting premise to it. The writing is solid, the art is mindblowing, and the colors bring it all come together. The story does leave some questions as to what is happening, but I cant wait for the answers to unfold. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comicsverse - Lindsey Mott Nov 28, 2016

    Despite the use of an extended flashback, we still can't say exactly where SAVAGE is heading in terms of the plot. However, judging from the quality of the writing and the visuals in the first issue, the creative team behind SAVAGE has a lot to offer. If you're a fan of dinosaurs or just a sucker for great art, SAVAGE #1 will sink its teeth into you and leave you wanting seconds. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Pastrami Nation - Nolan Smith Dec 4, 2016

    Savage #1 is a grizzly debut that shows that there is new face in town when it comes to a dinosaur battle royal. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Nov 29, 2016

    Valiant Entertainment and its “Future of Valiant” initiative has been on a roll as of late and with Savage #1 it shows little sign of slowing down. B. Clay Moore, Clayton Henry, Lewis LaRosa, and Brian Reber deliver bloody action and riveting drama in equal measure rendered with an eye for visual flair. Throwing members of the elite into the wild isn’t a new narrative, but Savage #1 looks to reinvigorate the genre with rich thematics and bloody precision. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Dec 2, 2016

    As a fan of Tarzan, Ka-Zar, Wolverine and most "raised by wolves" stories, I enjoyed this issue a lot - I'm looking forward to future installments! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Jason Laframboise Dec 5, 2016

    So as much as I'm concerned with the whole Tarzan/Turok pastiche thing, the book on it's own was a good read. I'm waiting for a unexpected turn like they are all dead or something dumb like that, but honestly I hope this book just is what is seems to be, a wild jungle man story that happens to have dinosaurs instead of tigers or bears. Again this has been an archetypal character in literature since Burroughs and Kipling, to the ingredients are all there for a fun adventure. Let's see where we go from here. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Multiversity Comics - Ken Godberson III Dec 2, 2016

    Valiants strongest debut this year. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    SciFiPulse - Oral Frier Dec 5, 2016

    Going into a series like this, one never knows what to expect. The unknown is a huge treat to readers, but it can also leave a story middling and lost. Savage does the former with such dedication that it almost looks too easy. Whatever this series has in store for its readers (and I am sure it is a lot), I do not believe anyone will be disappointed. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Nov 30, 2016

    I had no idea what to expect going into this series beyond enjoying some of Clayton Henry's artwork previously. What I got was a series that feels like it's close to a passion project with how it's presented. The work is one that I hope will be a strong overall read once all four issues are done, but the first issue is one that makes me crave the remaining three right now, something I don't often feel. Moore's story is simple but he really makes the characters come alive and the story has me wanting to know what's going on with this island and how KJ becomes the man that we see. There's a lot to like here and this is potentially going to be a fantastic gem to take in. I'm excited to see what's in store for us here. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Word Of The Nerd - Brent Jackson Dec 1, 2016

    Conclusion: Savage #1 is a great book for any comic book reader to dive into. If you have never read a Valiant book it won't matter; it really has no connections to the overall universe at this time. Being one of four issues Moore does a great job of setting up the story and characters with this first issue and will have the readers coming back for more! The art team really brings the name Savage to life, fitting LaRosa's rough styling with Henry's more clean style is a great contrast for the story. I was not expecting much of Savage #1 but I am now on board and ready for more (as it seems everyone else is to). Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Nov 30, 2016

    Like any of these other new stories Valiant is producing, Savage #1 is one worth diving into for a story you're not getting from anything else they have on shelves. A progressively dark tale that you don't want to overlook for its human elements. Read Full Review

  • 7.8
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Dec 1, 2016

    The script follows a fairly predictable path, but it's engaging all the same. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Heroes Direct - Adam Fitch Nov 26, 2016

    So far, this plot feels similar besides the huge prehistoric creatures. We've seen in many mediums " such as movies, television shows, other comics " this scenario go down, so we're anxious as to what'll set this story apart from the rest. It's a fairly standard script, though Kevin's a lovable idiot, and the artwork is solid. It really emphasis on the fear that dinosaurs emit, and the island looks really damn cool. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Nov 30, 2016

    I love the art. I could stare at the art all day, but this story offered nothing and I mean absolutely nothing new. It was the safest premise and the safest first issue that I've read all year, and if I didn't know it was Valiant, I would be shocked to discover it was. I mean, the fucking cliffhanger is the dude coming face to face with a dinosaur after we already fucking know there are dinosaurs and this dude doesn't make it" shocking. I would like to pretend that I'll give this a few more issues, but more than likely it'll continue to be much of the same, and it's likely that my opinion isn't going to sway the sales, so this will be it for me. They can't all be winners, and I'm sure that I'll end up in the minority on this one, but this wasn't a strong showing. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Geek-O-Rama - Rick Dec 7, 2016

    All in all though, Savage is shaping up to be an interesting and imaginative ride. It remains to be seen what sort of tale Valiant can spin from this promising first issue. Read Full Review

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